
  1. Currently enjoying the Portal 2 soundtrack. Another one to add to the library I think.

  2. You need to finish ! I want to read more about you! Also we need to Skype and maybe game together...

  3. Looking forward to the announcements. Looks like a new car, right?

  4. If it was Tuesday today would be but it's Wednesday and doesn't sound as good.

  5. I am loving at . The most disorganised live broadcast I have seen, and I worked !

  6. your chyron are wrong! :) 23 days on the top, 24 days on the bottom.

  7. Watching on on my TV, monitor and TriCaster. Wow, I'm a geek.

  8. Hey, I work on video and saw the behind the scenes on YT. Wondering if there's anyway to help?

  9. Just ordered some and stickers from excited for them to come. Got some ones too!

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