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Smartphone charger wanted - battery operated

Phil Ocifer

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I'm looking to the expert panel to provide an answer on this one please.

I'm wanting a charger for a smartphone (Nexus4) in which one can replace the batteries with standard off the shelf, ready to use alkaline batteries (which are readily available at almost any shop).

My rationale is that if I'm camping or at a festival I can simply connect the charger and phone until the alkalines are depleted, then replace them with another set and so on.

Most chargers appear to have a non-replaceable battery only rechargeable via usb whether mains or via a PCs usb port.

Obviously I don't always have mains or spare laptops at festivals.

All suggestions warmly received thanks.

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Phil Ocifer

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By the way, I have tried a small Pico solar charger but it's not been up to the task, plus sunlight isn't available 24/7 in the UK. Thx

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Why not just carry a car battery around with you.

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Phil Ocifer

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LoL. Thought of that but I'd then need to carry a cigar socket, jump leads and a car USB adaptor which is starting to work out into a rather bulky (and weighty) package.

I suppose a rucksack would suffice as a useful tote bag.

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This any good,my mate uses one on his samsung s3

click here

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Phil Ocifer

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YES !!! Mart7 - that is the sort of thing.

I was hoping for one with two batteries in it - extended charge or less battery swapping, but yes, that's what I'm after.

I will scout around for similar now I have a lead. Cheers. Phil

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