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Printer won't work after Windows 8.1 update


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Since I updated to 8.1 my Lexmark series 5400 won't print. A quick on screen message mentioned something about 'no endpoints'. I checked printer installation and the printer is still ticked as default printer. Then I got message telling me to use 2.0 USB, and not 3.0 USB But this problem has only happened since update. Any ideas?

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Try reinstalling your Printer Install Lexmark 5400 Series

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Microsoft have just withdrawn a Windows 8.1 update for "RT". Could this be your problem? Have you tried "rolling back" the update to your previous state?

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Windows RT 8.1 is a Windows-based operating system that's optimised for thin and light PCs that have extended battery life and are designed for life on the go.

Which means that it does not apply to the majority of Windows 8 machines that have recently upgraded to 8.1 The standard upgrade is still available in the Microsoft store

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Sorted thanks! After spending 20 minutes on the Lexmark chat/helpline they told me it was time for me to buy a new Lexmark printer! So - I uninstalled and re-installed and everything's back to normal. Thanks to everyone who answered. And I hadn't seen the blog.

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since updating to w8.1 winows updates keeps wanting to install a hp printer driver update each time i download it its back again on the windows updates as if i had not done anything. hp's own check for updates shows all ok, so hidden the update from ms.

perhaps w8.1 not too printer friendly

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