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South Ossetia: stuck between a rock and a hard place?

Published time: February 17, 2010 07:35
Edited time: February 17, 2010 07:35

S.Ossetia will always depend on the more populated Russia’s N.Ossetia, as well as Georgia, due to its geographical location, which is in the middle of the Georgian territory, says journalist and author Thomas De Waal.

De Waal argues, “When the passions die down and political differences are sorted out, South Ossetia will have strong links with both North Ossetia and Georgia and the sovereignty question will be postponed for the future.”

Comments (4)

Garry 17.02.2010 01:32

I wish South Ossetia all the best for the future. Has there been any consideration of creating an Ossetia by joining north and south together? How close is north and south ossetia culturally? Seems to me that if they are not a viable entity on their own then closer ties with the ossetians to the north makes rather more sense than closer ties to the georgians to the south, especially in light of the willingness of the georgians to the south to attack and kill them for their territory.


MEJanssen 09.08.2009 10:25

I've heard the Caucasus is good wine country. I'd like to compare Ossetian wines with my local California wines. When do they expect to get their tourism industry up and running?


Tomas 08.08.2009 08:03

Double standard cleaved toungs and utterly bullshit, there were nothing that stood in the way for NATO and the European union when the divided up former Yugoslavia into tiny puppet states all over. International recognition got as little with recognition doing as going to the store and pick up a package of milk. Let South Ossetia be their own country if they cant merges with North Ossetia. What is the problem? That they have never been a great tourist attraction? That it is only poor people and farmers living in that country? That the only connection to the rest of the world is through a tunnel diged in the 80s? Come one I have heard a lot of crap but this were to much. I say this is nothing but Geostrategy and the west are still with the knife pointed against all that may disagree firmly pointing it at their necks. I see great prospects for South Ossetia, I see a country that could flourish without EU and the US and NATO playing their favourite Devil's Advocate for the fascist Saakashvilli the Caucasus modern day Hitler. History has not learnt the west anything, it still support fascists when they do not threat to destroy their economy or their way of life, the hypocrisy never stop surprise me. If you are poor, if you are a farmer and happens to never had any form of tourism then you should also know that you are liable for the boot of fascist nazi pigs too. This world is sickening.

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