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Policy on S.Ossetia, Abkhazia to remain unchanged – Medvedev

13.08.2010 12:27

Moscow’s policy towards supporting South Ossetia and Abkhazia remains unchanged, President Dmitry Medvedev said at a meeting with his Ossetian counterpart Eduard Kokoity.

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MEJanssen 17.08.2010 04:22

The Georgian troops were utterly routed, even with the "moral support" offered by the American contractors there who had just trained the Georgians with all that new equipment. I wondered at first why Russian troops did not enter the capitol and burn down the presidential palace, until I saw a map published by Spiegel news. The map showed where all the military bases were in Georgia, and that happened to overlap almost 100% with a map showing the sites of battles. The Russians avoided the capitol because there was nothing interesting there. What the army did was go AROUND Tbilisi and attack the 4 military bases around the capitol. I just laughed when I realized what had happened, and that I could predict where the next battle would be. I really think the Russian army shocked the plotters in Washington DC, because we did not expect either that Russia would invade or, if they did, that they would actually win. Then we had the nerve to demand return of 4 Hummers the army had captured, or a cash payment. I'm not sure which we wanted more, the equipment or the cash. That war was a fiasco on many levels, but not for the Russians.


Artyom 16.08.2010 07:46

Dmitri you have it backwards. The republics in the Caucuses watched Russia carefully to how it responded. The fact that Russia showed willingness to defend and protect the rights of Osstians, reassured those in the republics that they are important to Moscow. Only parts are in danger do to intelligence agencies and foreign funding to extremist and ethnic minorities in the remote regions of Dagestan. The poverty in some regions and lack of infrastructure makes easy breeding grounds for real terrorists. The FSB and Interior Ministry having special operations there makes people witnesses to death and can also increase recruitment. They need economic development and law and order while fighting corruption. That is a difficult task, but it is important. The FSB is better to search for external financial roots an eliminate them while building a strong economy for the people there.


Kihnu 15.08.2010 21:01

Medvedev is astute enough to know that the Georgian troops were digging in to defend Tbilisi. The Russian 58th Army was not string enough to take Tbilisi and the Russian troops would have been trapped as the Germans were at Stalingrad. The only way Russian could have conquered Tbilsis is if the American trained and supplied troops suffered total panic and collapse. That would have changed the strategic balance, if NATO had come into Georgia, Russia would have had no choice but to back down, which would not have been good. In retrospect, Medvedev made the right decision which he accepted Nicolas Sarkozy's brokered "peace deal".


Biloxi 14.08.2010 16:57

The gene of altruism is far more valuable than the baubles of globalism. Stopping the MODERN move in the idea of a new world order to bring in the so-called perfect solution to all governments' problems - how to keep the people in a state of ignorance in the U.S. and but of course the master of us, Crowns of Europe. Russia's leaders were far sighted and hind sighted too, to know the real truth about colonialism dressed up as CDOs. Thankfully, the gene of altruism birthed the enlightenment in Russia's decision to protect the plan of nature, clearly, to develop in NOT a Hollywood Truman Show of USBS: S.Ossetia and Abkhazia! Whew, it was too close for comfort, though.


max 14.08.2010 06:11

Russian troop should have taken the whole Georgia and liberate all Georgian from their mentally ill President.


Dimitri 14.08.2010 00:24

Russia itself is a Russian Federation. Hence in the time when Basques are trying to be independent from Madrid as well as french speaking Belgians are keen to split the country (and these are small independence movements in Europe compared to Russia )- it is not really wise of Russian Federation(largest country in the world by its territory) to support breakaway states on its borders. Look at Yugoslavia in early nineties - they were all neighbours until they have taken sides with their religion and ethnicity - and this can happen in Russia if the policy remains unchanged. A russian proverb "do not spit in the well you will be drinking from(exact translation)" comes to mind.


joseph walker 13.08.2010 18:09

The people want to have the Russians to protect them and have closer ties economically etc,etc.,end of story.

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