Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt awards the designers 'shaping the world'

National Design Award

The Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt museum recently handed out its 2013 National Design Awards. Intended to celebrate "design as a vital humanistic tool in shaping the world," the awards were first established in 2000 by the White House Millennium Council, and have gone on to become an annual tradition ever since. Leading the recipients this year is James Wines, who has earned a lifetime...


Handmade furniture uses nothing but cables and tension for support


This furniture can hold itself together. A San Francisco-based designer named Robby Cuthbert has created architectural furniture made from wood and steel cables. The rows of cables in his chairs, lamps, and tables are placed precisely to maintain stability and strength through tension alone, similar to a suspension bridge. The pieces don't use adhesives or fasteners to stay together, and the result is truly furniture-meets-sculpture. Cuthbert says he studied architecture in college, and he explains on his site that laser cutters and 3D printers are key to his work. You can see more of his furniture at his website, and they're available to purchase on Etsy.

Inspired by suspension bridges


Why did Sharp just put a tablet into this cutting board?


There are so many great recipe apps, but taking a tablet to the kitchen can be both inconvenient and potentially disastrous. Siobhán Andrews, a Falmouth University student, thought up an elegant solution. He submitted the sketch of an interactive chopping board with a giant touchscreen display to Sharp Labs' #GetItDownOnPaper competition. Over the course of two months, the idea became a prototype called Chop-Syc, which aims to simplify healthy eating by providing easy cooking instructions...


Sail the high seas in style with this insane alien yacht concept

zaha hadid luxury yacht concept

Zaha Hadid's latest design looks like it could be the pristine, swirling hive of some alien race. In reality, her new work is actually the concept for a series of five luxury yachts that the shipbuilder Blohm + Voss wants to make. According to Superyacht News, yachts are traditionally commissioned and designed with input from the client, but Blohm + Voss wanted to do something a little more daring that would be interesting enough to entice...

Artist breathes new life into open air markets

marketplace posters

Brooklyn-based artist Jingyao Guo has teamed up with Chicago's Object Design League (ODLCO) to create a series of illustrations depicting some of the world's most vibrant open air markets. Jingyao's "Marketplace Posters" collection was produced as part of a Kickstarter project launched last week, and includes detailed, stylized renderings of the Raohe Night Market in Taipei, the Muara Kuin Floating Market in Indonesia, and Tokyo's Tsukiji...

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