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1. alcohol
The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.
To ALCOHOL: The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.
by Matt J September 06, 2005 add a video add an image
2. alcohol
Any of a class of chemical compounds having the general formula ROH, where R represents an alkyl group and -OH a hydroxyl group. Most commonly refers to ethanol, which you can drink to forget how much your life sucks, and methanol, which you can drink when you remember.
by anonymous June 16, 2003 add a video add an image
3. alcohol
Liquid Panty Remover
"Man alcohol is like liquid panty remover, you see that hot drunk chick over there, she's gonna get boned tonight."
4. alcohol
A substance found in beer (except American beer) and several other beverages that makes you excessively happy, sad, belligerent or horny. It allows white men to dance and ugly men to get laid (when given to their victim).
You wanna get with that hottie? You're gonna need lots of alcohol!
5. alcohol
Alcohol. What most of your university/college life will revolve around.
Alcohol. The cause of, and the solution to all of life's problems.
by Pseudonym March 28, 2005 add a video add an image
6. alcohol
The buffer between reality and a good night. Has been known to make people seem more attractive and make obviously stupid idea's seem like good sense.
Without alcohol people become boring, ridgid and quiet.
7. Alcohol
The antidote to reality.
reality is for people that can't handle drugs and alcohol.
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