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1.quite possibly the greatest thing ever conceived by mankind and is frequently called the tastiest thing around
it can be eaten (devoured) with everything
and in some cultures is used as a mating ritual
"the only reason i get up the morning and go to sleep at night is bacon"
What you get when you don't eat food. If you get very hungry, you begin to starve. If you get even more hungry you die.
Hey, yo man. Do you have some shit to give to a poor starvin' soul my brother?
Knosh is slang for food. Knosh can refer to food itself (noun) or the act of eating food (verb).
"Mike I'm starving man, let's go get some knosh."

"Do you have snacks? I need something to knosh on."
The glorious consumption of meat as a social event. Success is measured in number of animals required to fill the stomachs of participants.
"yo I want some tuna"
"fuck that jon, we're having a meating tonight"
The sound made when eating something (or someone). Can be referred to as "nomming" as a verb, ans is often pronounced int he sentence "om nom nom".
"Omg, there's someone eating my arm!"
*om nom nom*
"awwww :3"
1) The act of eating
2) An act of affection
3) A sound to express satisfaction through eating
4) The first sound made in the morning when you wake up next to the person you are twitterpated by.

"nom nom nom!"

"mmmm nom nom nom :)"
Royal Naval word for food.
Go get some scran.
by howesey May 30, 2004 add a video add an image
a food so good it is like an orgy in your mouth. popularized by stewie griffin.
me: oh this is like an orgy in my mouth!
A sense of feeling sleepy after eating a lot of food.
"Yo man, I went to a buffet at lunch today, I had niggeritus in last period."
A dumbed-down term used by corporate marketing forces to infantilize and increase consumerism in an increasingly simple-minded American magazine reading audience. The addition of the long "e" sound on the end of a common word is used to create the sensation of being part of a group in isolationist urban society, while also feminizing the term to subconsciously foster submission to ever-present market sources.

Though the terms "gastronome" and "epicure" define the same thing, i.e. a person who enjoys food for pleasure, these words are perceived by the modern American consumer as elitist due to their latin root forms and polysyllabic pronunciations.

Also spelled "foody"
This newest repackaging of Third World derived ingredients in the latest Trader Joe's product is ever so delicious and different, it's really made for all you foodies out there to BUY NOW!

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