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Results for 'my heart. my life.'
  • Results 1 - 10 of about 31

  • 1. My Heart. My Life. - Portland My Heart. My Life. - Portland
  • 2. My Heart. My Life. - Central Coast My Heart. My Life. - Central Coast
  • 3. My Heart. My Life. - Big Island My Heart. My Life. - Big Island
  • 4. My Heart. My Life. - Coachella Valley
  • 5. My Heart. My Life. - Eastern Montana My Heart. My Life. - Eastern Montana
  • 6. My Heart. My Life. - Northern Nevada The American Heart Association?s My Heart. My Life. is a comprehensive new health, wellness and fitness platform to empower Americans to get healthier. A key goal of My Heart. My Life. is to increase the number of people who understand the link between their health and their risk of heart disease and stroke. It?s an important component of the American Heart Association?s overarching goal: to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent by the year 2020.
  • 7. My Heart. My Life - Central Valley The American Heart Association?s My Heart. My Life. is a comprehensive new health, wellness and fitness platform to empower Americans to get healthier. A key goal of My Heart. My Life. is to increase the number of people who understand the link between their health and their risk of heart disease and stroke. It?s an important component of the American Heart Association?s overarching goal: to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent by the year 2020.
  • 8. My Heart. My Life. - Las Vegas My Heart. My Life. - Las Vegas
  • 9. My Heart. My Life. - Inland Empire The American Heart Association?s My Heart. My Life. is a comprehensive new health, wellness and fitness platform to empower Americans to get healthier.
  • 10. My Heart. My Life. - Fairbanks My Heart. My Life. Fairbanks

Our Mission

We’re making your community healthier by advocating for key issues such as:

  • Smoke-free public places
  • More walkable and bikable streets, roads and parks
  • Better nutrition and high-quality physical education in our schools
  • Adequate, affordable and available health care for all

American Heart Association
2011-2012 Expenditures

  • Research: 20.8%
  • Public Health Education: 39.1%
  • Professional Education & Training: 14.0%
  • Community Services: 5.1%
  • Management & General: 7.9%
  • Fundraising: 13.1%
American Heart Association Diversity Report

Attached is a copy of the American Heart Association’s 2009-2010 Annual Diversity Report. This report highlights our organization’s successes in the area of diversity with emphasis on cultural competence. The report focuses on our consumer initiatives as well as our internal initiatives. We have broadened the scope of this year’s report to showcase initiatives in each of the Affiliates. Also, we have identified key partnerships, sponsorships and strategic alliances that enhanced our efforts to reach common goals.

We truly hope that you will enjoy this copy of the report. Feel free to share copies with your colleagues and partners.

Diversity Report 2009-2010 (Spread layout)
Adobe PDF, File Size 10.9 MB

Diversity Report 2009-2010 (Single Page layout)
Adobe PDF, File Size 10.9 MB

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