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Results for ' heart attack'
  • Results 1 - 10 of about 72

  • 1. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Heart Attack The American Heart Association explains the heart disease symptoms which may lead to a heart attack such as Undue fatigue, Palpitations, Dyspnea and chest pain such as angina pectoris or unstable angina. Also learn how a heart attack is diagnosed and the various cardiac tests and cardiac procedures for heart attack diagnosis.
  • 2. Heart Attack Recovery FAQS The American Heart Association offers answers to frequently asked questions about recovering from heart attack such as How long will you need to rest after my heart attack? When can you go back to work after a heart attack? Is it normal to feel so depressed after a heart attack? Is chest pain normal after a heart attack? Why is cardiac rehabilitation important after a heart attack? Why are lifestyle changes important after a heart attack? What treatments will I need after my heart attack? What about sex after a heart attack?
  • 3. Warning Signs of a Heart Attack What are the warning signs of a heart attack? The American Heart Association explains the most common symptoms of heart attack in men and women.
  • 4. Understand Your Risk for High Cholesterol High cholesterol is just one heart disease risk factor. The American Heart Association helps you to understand your risk for high cholesterol.
  • 5. Menopause and Heart Disease The American Heart Association explains the relationship of menopause to heart disease in women.
  • 6. Tilt-Table Test The American Heart Association explains a Tilt-Table Test.
  • 7. Answers by Heart Fact Sheets: Cardiovascular Conditions The American Heart Association offers these Answers By Heart patient information sheets that cover a range of cardiovascular conditions including angina, arrhythmia, atrial fibrilation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack and heart failure.
  • 8. Angina Pectoris | Stable Angina The American Heart Association explains angina pectoris, also known as stable angina, is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease.
  • 9. Acute Coronary Syndrome The American Heart Association explains that acute coronary syndrome is an umbrella term for situations where the blood supplied to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked such as heart attack and unstable angina.
  • 10. Non-Invasive Tests and Procedures The American Heart Association explains the various non-invasive test and cardiac procedures, such as ECG, EKG, Electrocardio-graphy, Electrocardiogram, Ambulatory Electrocardiography, Holter Monitoring, Ambulatory ECG, Ambulatory EKG, Echocardiography, echocardiogram, Computer Imaging, Tomography, CT, CAT scan, EBCT, PET, DCA, DSA, MRI, SPECT, Exercise Stress Test and thallium stress test.

Our Mission

We’re making your community healthier by advocating for key issues such as:

  • Smoke-free public places
  • More walkable and bikable streets, roads and parks
  • Better nutrition and high-quality physical education in our schools
  • Adequate, affordable and available health care for all

American Heart Association
2011-2012 Expenditures

  • Research: 20.8%
  • Public Health Education: 39.1%
  • Professional Education & Training: 14.0%
  • Community Services: 5.1%
  • Management & General: 7.9%
  • Fundraising: 13.1%
American Heart Association Diversity Report

Attached is a copy of the American Heart Association’s 2009-2010 Annual Diversity Report. This report highlights our organization’s successes in the area of diversity with emphasis on cultural competence. The report focuses on our consumer initiatives as well as our internal initiatives. We have broadened the scope of this year’s report to showcase initiatives in each of the Affiliates. Also, we have identified key partnerships, sponsorships and strategic alliances that enhanced our efforts to reach common goals.

We truly hope that you will enjoy this copy of the report. Feel free to share copies with your colleagues and partners.

Diversity Report 2009-2010 (Spread layout)
Adobe PDF, File Size 10.9 MB

Diversity Report 2009-2010 (Single Page layout)
Adobe PDF, File Size 10.9 MB

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