Missouri governor halts execution over concerns about new drug for lethal injections


A Missouri man on death row will not see his execution proceed as planned, now that state governor Jay Nixon has intervened. In a statement issued today, Nixon halted the execution of convicted killer Allen Nicklasson over concerns about the proposed use of propofol for lethal injection.

""As governor, my interest is in making sure justice is served and public health is protected," Nixon said....


Dried up: climate change could leave another billion people without enough water

water spigot (flickr)

The wars of the future may be fought not over gold or oil, but instead over a resource far more mundane: water.

In a study published this week, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany warned that climate change will put further strain on the world's water sources, as warming temperatures and changing precipitation patterns expose more regions to drought and shortages. More than a billion people currently live in areas where water is scarce, and experts say climate change and anticipated population growth could jeopardize supplies for at least half a billion more.

The paper, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, found that an average global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius — a best case scenario — would expose an additional 486 million people to new or more severe water scarcity. If population growth continues and emissions are not reduced, that number could soar to well over one billion, according to the...

"The timeline is relatively short." Tess Russo, Columbia University Water Center

NSA head says Congress needs to pass cybersecurity bills to let him stop attacks

via farm3.staticflickr.com

The release of several national surveillance leaks put the brakes on cybersecurity legislation, which was already under scrutiny by civil liberties groups. But NSA head Keith Alexander thinks Congress needs to get the bills back on track, letting federal agencies and companies share information about potential attacks. "How do you defend Wall Street from a major crisis?" he asked during a Tuesday interview hosted by Politico and defense contractor Raytheon. "We have to have the rules in...

Aereo wins a minor legal victory in Boston, but larger fight looms

Aereo will be able to continue operating as usual in Boston as it prevails in yet another court ruling that could have had it shutting down services. District Court Judge Nathaniel Gorton today denied a request for a preliminary injunction against...

Shutdown furloughs nuclear safety employees starting today

Nuclear Plant

At the close of business today, more than 90 percent of the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will go home on furlough as a result of the government shutdown. The Commission had been operating on carryover funds since last Monday, when the shutdown began, but those funds run out today, reducing the staff to a skeleton crew of 300 "essential" personnel who will be responsible for monitoring the nation's 63 nuclear sites until the...

The ACLU wants police officers to wear cameras, but only with privacy protections


Could fitting police with cameras help stop misconduct and save officers themselves from liability risks? It's an idea that some departments have warmed to, and that some civil liberties activists have tentatively embraced. But turning early experiments into a robust system isn't as simple as issuing cameras along with guns. To help clarify the issues, the ACLU has issued a series of best practices that could point the way forward, offering...

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