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The marvelous exploits of Paul Bunyan

The marvelous exploits of Paul Bunyan: as told in the camps of the white pine lumbermen for generations during which time the loggers have pioneered the way through the north woods from Maine to California

Paul Bunyan is probably the best known folk hero of the Northwoods. Created in logging camps, the legend of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, spread throughout the woods of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Many states (and lumber companies) lay claim to Paul Bunyan and he is credited with having created many natural landmarks, including the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, and the Black Hills of South Dakota. This booklet, produced by the Red River Lumber Company, recounts many of the most popular stories about Paul Bunyan.

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Related Topics: Mining, Logging, and Agriculture
Logging and Forest Products
Creator: Laughead, William B.
Pub Data: Minneapolis: Red River Lumber Co., 1922. (pamphlet 61-16)
Citation: Laughead, William B. "The marvelous exploits of Paul Bunyan: as told in the camps of the white pine lumbermen for generations during which time the loggers have pioneered the way through the north woods from Maine to California." (Minneapolis: Red River Lumber Co., 1922); online facsimile at Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 5/8/2013
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