
  1. September 2013 NPD: Grand Theft Auto V lifts software sales a staggering 52% by

  2. AMD CEO says firm is shipping millions of chips for next-generation consoles by

  3. iOS 7-exclusive Disco Bees is one of the first built entirely on Apple's SpriteKit game engine by

  4. GamesBeat panel spotlight: How e-sports has become the hottest sports ticket by

  5. Analyst: Zynga's new-CEO honeymoon could end soon as it continues to bleed users by

  6. GamesBeat panel spotlight: How to monetize with alternatives to big spending on user acquisition by

  7. Jersey physics and Phil Collins: Check out the NBA 2K14 PlayStation 4, Xbox One trailer by

  8. Payment platform Rixty teams with Microsoft to give gamers more ways to get Xbox Live gift cards by

  9. After six years, Anki launches slot car game with artificial intelligence by

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