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business tools

Wondering what is new for Facebook these days? Well, here you go! First, let’s start with the controls. What are all the new(ish) ways Facebook has provided you for sorting Company Pages’ News and Status Updates from your Facebook Friends in 2013? What exactly does each one do and why? Which ones are useful to you and which ones are probably only there to help Facebook?

better search results
16 Aug, 2013

There is so much more to deciding whether or not your company needs to be on Instagram. One thing we would suggest, don’t tackle it unless you’re committed to it. As with any social media endeavor, once started, the worst thing a brand can do is poorly execute on it.

generate business

Your website and social media channels hold a goldmine of information. Make sure you’re looking at the right data and that your business objectives are clearly detailed.

business tools
19 Jul, 2013

Being business web and social media consultants, when we get asked this question (and we get asked this question a lot), it’s almost always in the context of a business no longer knowing who manages its LinkedIn page in the first place! More often than not, the employee who first set-up the company’s business page on LinkedIn, is long gone.

connect social to sales

Geekly Group, LLC announced today that Lydig Construction will be the host for its upcoming, invitation only, digital media marketing roundtable: “Leveraging the Data Behind Social Media”. The event will be held in its Bellevue, Washington office located at 12100 Northup Way.

increase sales

Recently, Ipsos posted results of a survey noting several interesting metrics about time spent using social media. In short, usage is drastically increasing among business owners and executives. However, we geeks fear a primary component of social media is being ignored.

geekly gears
15 Mar, 2013

Well, we started this article with 7 signs, but wouldn't you know it, we've added one more! Companies hire social media professionals for a multitude of reasons. One of those reasons tends to be a general oversight of all things social. Here are the latest blunders we've found.

social media

You've likely seen the latest rash of Facebook posts that give you 10 seconds to spell a nonsensical word that a 1st grader could figure out. These posts are nothing more than bogus ways to game Facebook's Edgerank algorithm. If your social media agency is doing this, you may want to rethink your market strategy for Facebook (and your agency).

business video

Social Media grants wizardly power to all with a click of a mouse or a swipe of a finger. You may reign with the wrath of the Dark Lord Sauron on all that oppose you! Admit it. We all somewhat enjoy the power we have over our social kingdoms!

social media
06 Mar, 2013

Geekly Group, LLC announces the hosts for its upcoming invitation only, digital media marketing roundtables to be held in March. BiNW will host the March 20th event in Tacoma, Washington, followed by BCRA hosting the March 21st event in Seattle, Washington.


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