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graphic design
02 Apr, 2013

While it may seem that you're involved in a battle with your web designer, it is their job to ensure you keep your company message and branding on track. Designers that “do only as they’re told” may not be properly serving your business and your brand. Logical and creative minds must mix to balance of the Force!

business tools

Geekly Group announces the addition of two new consultants to its talented lineup. Digital photography veteran, William Alan, and SEO and usability expert, Dan Dreifort, join forces with Geekly Group. Together, the duo offers over 30 years of combined digital media experience.

business websites

Globally, 5.9 billion people have mobile subscriptions, which equates to 87% of the world's population. In the U.S. alone, at the end of 2011, over 100 million people owned smartphones! Tablet use has exploded, and more people are using the mobile web now than mobile apps. This means businesses must adapt!

graphic design
07 Mar, 2013

Inaccurate branding of a new business can make it difficult for people to grasp what a business is about. However, this CEO may be taking it a bit too far. Have you ever had a boss like this one? Feel free to share your comments!

graphic design

When it comes to social media, business must evolve and change with the times. Otherwise they may meet the same demise as the dinosaur! Know of any dinosaurs where you work?

business tools
17 Feb, 2013

We’ll start by saying we geeks aren’t a social media agency, but we have skin in this game. Why? We provide digital media managed services, or in other words, we are digital geeks that act directly on a business’ behalf. Therefore, we must be on top of our geekly game at all times. These are some of the things we see going wrong in Social Media. Don’t say we didn’t warn you...

connect social to sales

We took some time to ask executives over a cup of coffee, what 2013 looked like when it came to their marketing plan. Of the executives that responded that stated they had defined budgets, less than one quarter of them are actually measuring ROI. 53% of executives responded that they measure ROI solely by an increase in sales!

graphic design
27 Dec, 2012

Just like words and actions, color is an important component of communication. Color dramatically impacts your mood and your behavior, and more importantly how a person reacts to your business. Many studies have been conducted on the psychology of color, all by people smarter than this geek. I often refer to these findings when advising clients on a color palette for their business. Color is all around us and while we might not think about it in detail, color evokes feelings.

geekly gears

Geekly Group, LLC is a full service provider of digital media managed service solutions. Our data driven digital media consortium is made up of highly talented full-time and contract technology professionals that span multiple spectrums of digital media.

graphic design
04 Dec, 2012

Visual impact is an important part of a solid digital media plan. The best websites marry solid brand image and visual design with core utility, creating a website that is functional, beautiful and easy-to-use.

We understand how whitespace, alignment, typography, images and symbols work together to impact usability.  Let us help you build your visual design, creating the ultimate win for your business in digital media communication.

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