Exclusive Interview

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Michael Cremo on Forbidden Archeology, Our Billion-Year-Old Human History and the Spiritual Satisfaction of the Vedas

With Anthony Wile

Michael Cremo

The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Michael Cremo (left).

Introduction: Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists and a research associate in history and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient histories of India known as the Vedas. In this way, he has broadened his academic knowledge with spirituality from the Eastern tradition. He has written numerous well received though controversial books.

Daily Bell: Please answer these questions as if our readers were not aware of your many articles and books. You are a Hindu creationist. What does that mean?

Michael Cremo: Hinduism is a system of religious thought. It is a general term, much like Christianity is a general term. Christianity includes a lot of churches, including the Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Mormon Church, the Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, Anglican Church, etc. Christians have a lot of ideas about the origin of life and the universe. All of them are creationists, in the sense that they believe God had something to do with it. Many Christians think that God created humans by evolution. Many other Christians think that God created humans and the other life forms directly, without evolution.

Although all Christians are creationists, the term is generally used for those Christians who do not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. It is the same with Hinduism. Hinduism includes lots of different spiritual traditions. Some worship one God, some worship many gods. I belong to a Hindu tradition that accepts one supreme God, known by the name Krishna. I believe God, by whatever name people know him, did not use Darwinian evolution to create human beings and other species of life. Therefore some people call me a Hindu creationist.

Daily Bell: You have been called 'the intellectual force driving Vedic creationism." Isn't that ironic given that you are not Indian and didn't grow up in India. What's happened to the Hindu culture that it does not espouse its own cause?

Michael Cremo: The situation among Hindus is complex, just like the situation among Christians is complex. Christians have lots of different ideas about evolution. Some accept it, and some do not. The same is true among Hindus in India. Some Hindus in India accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. Others do not. My guru, or spiritual teacher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977), did not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. He saw it as contrary to the accounts of the origin of life given in the sacred texts of India. He publically opposed the Darwinian theory of evolution and espoused a kind of Vedic creationism.

When I carefully studied his position, I decided it was valid. But as I said, there are many Hindus in India who accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. One reason for this is that the British ruled India for a long time. They set up an education system that taught British ideas, like the theory of evolution. In 1948, India became politically independent from Britain, but the education system installed by the British remained intact and it still teaches the theory of evolution.

Daily Bell: Your father was a military intelligence officer. How did this influence you?

Michael Cremo: It influenced me in two ways. First of all, our family moved around a lot when I was growing up, to different places in the United States and abroad. This opened my mind to the reality that there is more than one way of looking at the world. The American way is one way, but other people have other ways of looking at the world. In my travels, I was exposed to lots of different worldviews, including the traditional worldview of ancient India. This latter worldview made a lot of sense to me, so as I was growing older and had to formulate my own worldview, I adopted it. One aspect of the ancient Indian worldview is the idea of extreme human antiquity, the idea that humans have existed since the beginning of life on earth. So that is where I got this idea.

Second, because my father was involved in intelligence work, I was aware that there is such a thing as secret knowledge. There are facts that many people are not aware of. When I started my research into the history of archeology, looking for archeological evidence for extreme human antiquity, the first place I looked was in the current textbooks of archeology. There I did not find any such evidence. I found only evidence that supports the current evolutionary theory of human origins.

According to that theory, humans like us first appeared on earth less than 200,000 years ago. But because of my familiarity with intelligence work, I realized there might be some facts that were not being included in the textbooks. So I decided to look beyond the textbooks. I started looking at the original scientific reports, in many different languages, from the time of Darwin to the present. When I did that I discovered many reports of discoveries of human bones, human artifacts, and human footprints many millions of years old. I documented those reports in my book Forbidden Archeology.

Daily Bell: You served in the Navy. Was that a good experience for you? What was the emotional journey from being a military man to where you are now? What changed in your life?

Michael Cremo: You have to keep in mind that I was not serving voluntarily. At that time in the United States (the late 1960s) there was something called the draft, which means that the government would call you to enter the military and you had to go. Today they have a better system, an all-volunteer system. Still, the experience was good for me. There was a slogan at the time: Join the Navy and see the world. I was sent to a weather station in Iceland. During my time in Iceland, I explored the glaciers and volcanoes, studied Old Icelandic, and read the Old Icelandic sagas. But I never completely identified myself as a military person. I continued to see myself as a human being searching for truth about myself and truth about the world I live in. So my Navy experience was another step on that journey.

Daily Bell: Is it true you decided to devote your life to Krishna in the early 1970s, after receiving a copy of the Bhagavad Gita at a Grateful Dead concert?

Michael Cremo: Yes that is true. The copy was not exactly free. I gave a donation for it. I took the book home and read it very carefully. In the front of the book was a notice that readers could write to the publisher for more information. So I did that and learned that the book was published by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which had centers throughout the world. I decided to visit one of the centers, and I was surprised to see the young people there living the teachings of the book. I was impressed by that. My friends and I often discussed different philosophies as a kind of mental entertainment. We never dreamed of living a philosophy. So I was impressed to see a community of young people doing that. It occurred to me that I could also do that, and eventually I did. I do not claim to have a monopoly on truth. I think one can find truth in a lot of different places. But I found mine in this place.

Daily Bell: What is Hindu scripture? A religion? A narrative?

Michael Cremo: Hinduism is a general term used to collectively represent a set of Indian spiritual traditions. What they have in common is a reverence for a set of scriptures called the Vedas. Veda is a Sanskrit word that means "knowledge." The Vedic literature is vast. The most widely known Vedic scripture is the Bhagavad-gita, which is considered to be a summary of the essential spiritual teachings of the Vedas. Among the Vedic scriptures is a group called the Puranas, or histories. They give accounts of the origin of the universe, the origin of species, and the history of the human species.

Daily Bell: What is a Vedic creationist?

Michael Cremo: I have been called a Vedic creationist. Today, by creationist, people generally mean someone who accepts that God, or some other intelligent being or beings, has something to do with the origin of life and the universe, with the order and complexity that we observe around us. So I accept that. Until fairly recently, when people used the term creationist, they generally meant a Biblical creationist. So although I am a creationist, my ideas are inspired by my studies in the Vedic literature. Therefore some people call me a Vedic creationist. I prefer being called a Vedic creationist over being called a Hindu creationist. The word Hindu does not appear in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. It is a term that came into use a few hundred years ago.

Daily Bell: How have your work and writings been received in India?

Michael Cremo: It is the same as everywhere else. Some people like my work and writings, some people do not like them, and some people just do not care at all. I have done several lectures tours of India, speaking at universities all over the country, such as the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, the University of Calcutta, the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai, and many others. Major newspapers, like The Times of India, The Hindu, and others, have given extensive, favorable coverage to my work.

Daily Bell: Tell us about your book, Forbidden Archeology, and why it is so controversial in the West. Give us its main thesis.

Michael Cremo: I think it is controversial everywhere. The book was inspired by my studies in the Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India. According to Puranas, humans like us have existed on earth for millions and millions of years, going all the way back to the very beginnings of life on earth. According to modern evolutionary thought, humans like us first appeared on earth less than 200,000 years ago, having evolved from more primitive apelike creatures. Most scientists claim that all the physical evidence supports this idea. However, when I did eight years of research into the history of archeology, I found something different. I found that from the time of Darwin to the present, many scientists have reported in the professional scientific literature discoveries of human bones, human artifacts, and human footprints millions of years old. I put all that evidence together in Forbidden Archeology. Of course, this evidence contradicts the textbook theories about human origins, and therefore the book is extremely controversial.

Daily Bell: If human beings are millions or years old, why didn't they evolve into super-humans? Where did they go?

Michael Cremo: First of all, I do not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. But I do accept another kind of evolution, which I explain in my book Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory. The key point is that material bodies are vehicles for nonmaterial conscious selves. According to this idea, the conscious self is different from the material body. According to the Vedic cosmology, there are different kinds of human bodies in the universe.

The Vedic universe is a consciousness-based universe. This universe has different levels, inhabited by beings of different levels of consciousness. So there are superhuman beings, with higher levels of consciousness. They exist on a different level of reality. So it is possible for the conscious self that now is dwelling in an ordinary human body, on this level of reality, to occupy the body of a superhuman being, on a higher level of reality, in a future life. So there can be an evolution of the conscious self through different kinds of bodies. The bodies are not changing, or evolving, but the conscious self can evolve through the different kinds of bodies.

Daily Bell: Where do dinosaurs and other supposedly non-human timelines fit into all this? Do you believe in evolution at all?

Michael Cremo: I do not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. But I accept the evolution of the conscious self through different kinds of bodies. These bodies are vehicles for conscious selves. According to one's level of consciousness, one obtains a certain kind of body. Today, because there are no conscious selves that require a dinosaur body, we do not observe such bodies in the world around us. But the universe is a big place, and such bodies could be present elsewhere.

Daily Bell: You wrote "Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record" as a precursor to Forbidden Archeology. What was that about?

Michael Cremo: I actually wrote that paper after I wrote Forbidden Archeology. I spent eight years doing the research and writing of Forbidden Archeology. When the book was finally published in 1993, I wanted to present the subject matter of the book at scientific conferences. I joined the World Archeological Congress (WAC), an international organization of archeologists, which holds a congress every four years in a different city around the world. In 1994, the Congress was held in New Delhi, India.

I thought that would be a good place to present a paper based on the book Forbidden Archeology. So I submitted a proposal to the WAC to present a paper called "Puranic Time and the Archeological Record." The Puranas are the historical writings of ancient India, and they present vast cycles of time, lasting many millions of years, during which human populations are present on earth, and there are archeological discoveries that are consistent with this. The academic committee of the WAC accepted my proposal, so I went to Delhi and presented the paper. The paper was later published in the peer reviewed conference proceedings volume Time and Archeology, edited by archeologist Tim Murray and published by Routledge, a major scientific publisher. This was the first of about thirty papers that I have presented at major international scientific conferences on archeology and the history of science.

Daily Bell: You claim that people have lived on the earth for millions, or billions, of years, and that the scientific establishment has suppressed the fossil evidence for extreme human antiquity. Can you give us some examples?

Michael Cremo: Let me explain a little about suppression of evidence. What I am talking about here is not some conspiracy to suppress truth. Instead, I am talking about something that historians of science and philosophers of science have understood for a long time, namely that theoretical preconceptions often influence how scientists respond to evidence. I call this process "knowledge filtration."

Evidence that conforms to a dominant theory passes through this intellectual filter very easily, but evidence that radically contradicts a dominant theory is filtered out. The scientists who are doing the filtering do not think that they are deliberately suppressing true evidence, which if known would cause people to reject their theory. Instead they think they are just being responsible scientists, ignoring evidence, which to them seems like it could not possibly be true. I will give one example from the earlier history of archeology, and one from the more recent history of archeology.

In the nineteenth century, gold was discovered in California. To get it, miners dug tunnels into the sides of mountains, such as Table Mountain in Tuolumne County. Deep inside the tunnels, in deposits of early Eocene age (about 50 million years old), miners found human bones and artifacts. The discoveries were carefully documented by Dr. J.D. Whitney, the chief government geologist of California, in his book The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California, published by Harvard University in 1880. But we do not hear very much about these discoveries today. In the Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1898–1899 (p. 424), anthropologist William Holmes said, "Perhaps if Professor Whitney had fully appreciated the story of human evolution as it is understood today, he would have hesitated to announce the conclusions formulated, notwithstanding the imposing array of testimony with which he was confronted." In other words, if the facts did not fit the theory of human evolution, the facts had to be set aside, and that is exactly what happened.

Such bias continued into the twentieth century. In the 1970s, American archeologists led by Cynthia Irwin Williams discovered stones tools at Hueyatlaco, near Puebla, Mexico. The stone tools were of an advanced type, made only by humans like us. A team of geologists, from the United States Geological Survey and universities in the United States, came to Hueyatlaco to date the site.

Among the geologists was Virginia Steen-McIntyre. To date the site, the team used four methods—uranium series dating on butchered animal bones found along with the tools, zircon fission track dating on volcanic layers above the tools, tephra hydration dating of volcanic crystals, and standard stratigraphy. The four methods converged on an age of about 250,000 years for the site. The archeologists refused to consider this date. They could not believe that humans capable of making the Hueyatlaco artifacts existed 250,000 years ago.

In defense of the dates obtained by the geologists, Virginia Steen-McIntyre wrote in a letter (March 30, 1981) to Estella Leopold, associate editor of Quaternary Research: "The problem as I see it is much bigger than Hueyatlaco. It concerns the manipulation of scientific thought through the suppression of 'Enigmatic Data,' data that challenges the prevailing mode of thinking. Hueyatlaco certainly does that!

Not being an anthropologist, I didn't realize the full significance of our dates back in 1973, nor how deeply woven into our thought the current theory of human evolution has become. Our work at Hueyatlaco has been rejected by most archaeologists because it contradicts that theory, period." This remains true today, not only for the California gold mine discoveries and the Hueyatlaco human artifacts, but for hundreds of other discoveries documented in the scientific literature of the past 150 years.

Daily Bell: You've appeared many times on Coast to Coast AM, which is considered by some to have a bad scientific reputation. And you've been criticized for cherry-picking your evidence and for writing pseudoscience. How do you respond?

Michael Cremo: I have never tried to make an exclusive career for myself among professional scientists. I do not consider myself to be a professional scientist. I consider myself to be a human being searching for the truth. I do not think that professional scientists are the only people on earth looking for the truth about human origins. So my policy is to stay in touch with all kinds of people looking for the truth.

I think the millions of people who listen to Coast to Coast are looking for truth, so I feel comfortable in speaking to them. Actually, there are professional scientists who listen to Coast to Coast. One scientist who heard me invited me to speak at his university in the United States. So I stay in touch with lots of different audiences. The professional scientific community is just one audience that I communicate with. And within that particular audience there are various reactions to me and my work from different groups of scientists.

The reactions in your question are typical of a group that I call the fundamentalist Darwinists. They support the theory of evolution not for purely scientific reasons, but because it confirms their prior commitments to a strict materialism. They do not want to hear me, and they do not want anyone else to hear me, so they say those kinds of things. Sometimes they try to stop me from lecturing at universities.

But there is another, larger, group of scientists who are more open-minded. They may support the theory of evolution, but they do so for truly scientific reasons. Evolution is not an ideology for them. So they are willing to listen to alternatives, they are willing to listen to evidence that is not consistent with evolution. Scientists in that group have accepted my proposals to present papers about my work at meetings of the World Archeological Congress, the European Association of Archeologists, the International Congress for History of Science, etc.

Scientists in that group have included my papers in peer reviewed scientific publications and have invited me to speak at some of the leading scientific institutions in the world, such as the Royal Institution in London, the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, and many others. They have also invited me to speak at many universities throughout the world. And they have given thoughtful, respectful reviews of my books in scientific journals. They may not agree with me, but at least they are willing to listen, and that is an important first step, if ideas are going to change.

Daily Bell: Tell us more about your book Human Devolution. What is devolution in your view and how was this book a furtherance of Forbidden Archeology?

Michael Cremo: In my book Forbidden Archeology, I presented archeological evidence that contradicts the current evolutionary theory of human origins. After people read the book, they asked me, "Okay, if you have all this evidence that contradicts the Darwinian evolutionary account of human origins, then what is your explanation for human origins?" My book Human Devolution is my answer to that question. Before we even ask the question "where did human beings come from?" we should first ask the question "what is a human being?" Today, many scientists will say that a human being is just a machine made of matter. They believe that consciousness is a temporary byproduct of bioelectrical activity in the brain.

But I think if we look at all the scientific evidence, including medical studies of out of body experiences, we will see that a human being is composed of matter and consciousness. And by consciousness I mean something independent of matter. Consciousness is not produced by matter. Instead, consciousness is simply covered by matter. So in short many scientists believe that as conscious beings, we have evolved up from matter, in the sense that consciousness is produced by matter. But I believe we have devolved, or come down, from a state of pure consciousness. By devolution, I mean the process by which consciousness becomes covered by matter. But it is a process that can be reversed. Consciousness can be restored to its original pure state, free from contact with matter. That is the real purpose of meditation, yoga, and other spiritual disciplines.

Daily Bell: Where does the newly discovered city of Dwarka off the coast of India fit into all this?

Michael Cremo: The city of Dwarka has to do not so much with human origins but with the history of Vedic culture in India. According to the Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India, the fabulous city, ruled by Krishna, existed about five thousand years ago. And then it was swallowed up by the ocean. But according to most historians today, there was no Vedic culture in the Indian subcontinent five thousand years ago. There is a city called Dwarka on the coast of northwest India today, and in the waters off the coast of the present day Dwarka, the remains of an ancient city have been found, which could be the city mentioned in the Puranas.

Daily Bell: What about the land bridge to Sri Lanka? It's been seen from satellites.

Michael Cremo: Here is an ancient Sanskrit epic called the Ramayana, which gives the history of a manifestation, or avatar, of God called Rama, who played the role of a king. He engaged in a battle with the ruler of the island kingdom of Lanka. To get his army across the ocean to Lanka he made a bridge of huge floating stones. After the battle the huge stones sunk into the ocean. According to traditional historical calculation, these events took place over a million years ago. Today, satellite photos show an underwater "bridge" going from the southern tip of India to the island nation of Sri Lanka. Many people think this is Rama's bridge. I believe it could be, but I would like to see some further research. Some scientists claim that the "bridge" is just some natural formations of sand bars beneath the water. So it would be interesting to do some drilling. If drilling encountered beneath the sands some formations of rocks that should not be there naturally, that would provide some confirmation that the structure is indeed a bridge.

Daily Bell: Is there a great river in India that has dried up – which was in fact the cradle of Indian civilization?

Michael Cremo: According to many Western and Indian scientists, Vedic civilization arose in India less than 3,500 years ago. According to traditional sources, Vedic civilization has been present in India for at least 5,000 years, and in reality much longer than that. The Rig Veda is one of the principal Vedic texts. It contains some clues about the antiquity of Vedic civilization in India. One part of the Rig Veda gives a list of the major rivers in northwestern India. This list goes from east to west. The first river is the Ganges, the second the Yamuna, the third the Sarasvati, and the fourth the Sutlej.

Today one can still see the Ganges, the Yamuna, and the Sutlej, but the Sarasvati is not there. However, satellite photos and geological research on the ground reveal the presence of an ancient river channel, now dried up, just where the Sarasvati should have been. Along this dry river channel are the sites of many ancient towns and cities. According to geological studies, the last time a river was flowing in that channel was about five thousand years ago. Because the Rig Veda mentions the Sarasvati as a great flowing river, and also mentions cities in the area, the Rig Veda gives evidence for the presence of Vedic civilization in India at least 5,000 years ago.

Daily Bell: Isn't it more likely that Indian civilization is ten or twenty thousand years old than a million?

Michael Cremo: Likelihood depends on one's background beliefs. If one believes that the textbook ideas about civilization (namely that civilization first arose about six or seven thousand years ago) then the idea that Indian civilization is millions of years old is not going to seem very likely. But if we look at the history of science, we see that textbook ideas have often proven to be wrong. So it may be wise to keep an open mind about these things.

The Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India, contain accounts of human civilizations that existed millions of years ago. And there are thousands of temples and sacred places throughout India that have traditional histories going back millions of years. One reason why many people regard these accounts as mythological is that they accept the textbook idea that human beings first came into existence less than 200,000 years ago. However, in my book Forbidden Archeology, I have shown there is archeological evidence that humans like us have existed on earth for millions of years. In light of that evidence, the likelihood that Indian civilization is millions of years old increases.

Daily Bell: How do you explain the homo sapien timeline and coming out of Africa and all that?

Michael Cremo: Today most official textbooks will say that humans like us first appeared in Africa about 150,000 years ago, and then spread from there to other parts of the world. This account is based on two kinds of evidence: archeological evidence and genetic evidence. But both kinds of evidence are incomplete.

In my book Forbidden Archeology, I documented archeological evidence showing that humans like us were present in Europe, Asia, the Americans, and Africa millions of years ago. In my book Human Devolution, I show that the genetic evidence for a recent human migration out of Africa is flawed. These studies have focused on analyzing differences in the mitochondrial DNA of existing human populations. The mitochondrial DNA is passed on only by the mother, not by the father. But these studies fail to take into account that in the past many females died before producing children, which means many lines of mitochondrial DNA have not come down to the present.

So studies of the current variations in mitochondrial DNA, being incomplete, do not give reliable results. The best evidence we have for human origins is the archeological evidence, and if we take into account the evidence from Forbidden Archeology, we see it contradicts the textbook account of humans like us originating fairly recently in Africa and spreading from there around the world.

Daily Bell: Do you believe ancient Hindus went to the moon?

Michael Cremo: Yes, but this question should be understood in light of Hindu, or more accurately, Vedic or Puranic cosmology. The Vedic universe is a consciousness-based universe, with different regions accessible to those with appropriate levels of consciousness. According to the Vedic cosmology, the moon is in the celestial region, and is accessible by yogis and mystics with higher levels of consciousness.

Daily Bell: Did they have flying machines? Are these sculptures to be seen on the tops of ancient Hindu Temples in the South of India?

Michael Cremo: The ancient historical writings of India, the Puranas, contain many accounts of flying machines called vimanas. There were many kinds of vimanas. Some of them, used in this region, or level of the cosmos, were made of metal. Other vimanas, used for reaching higher levels of the cosmos, were made of more subtle elements. One can sometimes see images of vimanas in temple sculptures. Interestingly, the top part of the tower of an Indian temple is sometimes called a vimana.

Daily Bell: Does Atlantis fit into your theories somewhere? How so?

Michael Cremo: It depends on what we mean by Atlantis. If we mean the idea that there were areas of the world that once supported human cities that are now underwater, then I accept that. The city of Dwarka provides an example.

Daily Bell: Any last points you want to make or reading you want to suggest? What are you working on now?

Michael Cremo: I think we need to end the government-enforced monopoly that the supporters of the current evolutionary theory of human origins now have in the public tax supported education system. Alternatives should be there in the textbooks, in at least a few pages. People may wish to have a look at my most recent book The Forbidden Archeologist, which is a collection of columns that I wrote for Atlantis Rising magazine.

In those columns I explore various aspects of my work, in short, easy to read essays. People interested in the reactions of scientists to my work may wish to have a look at my book Forbidden Archeology's Impact, in which I document all kinds of reactions from positive to negative. Right now I am putting together a book of about 24 papers that I have given about my work at mainstream scientific conferences about archeology, anthropology, and history of science.

Daily Bell: Thank you for spending time with us. We look forward to reading more of your work.

Michael Cremo: You're welcome.

Michael Cremo is controversial, of that there is no doubt. There are those that claim his evidence amounts to little more than pseudo historical errors. And perhaps this is so in some cases. The ancient footprints he cites are questionable, along with certain maps. But his work is extensively documented and for all the debunking, there are plenty of elements in human history that cannot be explained by modern archeological history.

Famously, Immanuel Velikovsky has charted a chronology that questions the historical narrative. And others have queried the human timeline and its antecedents from a variety of perspectives. Just in the past decade we have noticed how the modern historical narrative departs considerably from the "official one." We have witnessed it and written about it on these pages.

Human beings are short lived in the scheme of things and eyewitnesses die out soon. The ability to tamper with the historical narrative is a prerogative of wealth. The idea of the elites is that no time has been as prosperous and progressive as this one. Such a fundamental dominant social theme is intended to reduce the justification for social change. Anytime there is a concealment of evidence as there undoubtedly is, Money Power's brutal hand can be at least faintly discerned.  

Certainly, as we have seen with the discovery of such drowned cities as Dwarka, the timeline of human history starting (falsely) about 5,000 years ago with Sumer and then Babylon is likely far more elongated than "science" maintains. And yet there is more furor about multi-million-year-old winged impressions of proto-birds in slate than there is about the discovery of a drowned city that scripture foretold. Let Hollywood make a movie about ancient civilization and everyone may watch; let the real thing be discovered off the coast of India and the mainstream media ignores it. 

This is the best of all possible times, as Voltaire wrote. But the Internet Reformation now makes other interpretations possible, no matter Money Power's determination to conceal the truth, whatever it may be. Push human history back 20,000 years or more and postulate an advanced coastal civilization that ran round the world. Why not? The Cro-Magnons wore caps and knitted clothes 30,000 years ago as their exquisite cave paintings show. Ancient Indian cities bear the horrid traces of nuclear war. Ancient temples wear shining carvings of flying machines on the tops of their tall towers.

Is humankind billions of years old? We won't discount it outright. What does it mean, in fact, to be human? Evolution itself seems to us more religion than reality (though we believe in the concept intrinsically). In fact, the evidence for evolution is flimsy indeed. The idea that animals and humans can simply fall into place like jigsaw puzzles over time is a useful concept but hardly one that has been fully explained.

What we do know from our own observations (and that of our intrepid feedbackers) over the past two years, is that modern history as Henry Ford once said, is bunk, a series of fairy tales spun for the benefit of the ruling elite. All human knowledge, so far as we can tell, is basically winnowed out by those in charge and reconfigured to promote power elite interests. If it doesn't do so, it doesn't get presented, at least not on a mass scale.

It is only at certain times in history (this era being one) that some hitherto suppressed truth is suddenly – however briefly – in evidence. Not everyone can see it, though. Billions haven't bothered to look. And yet, those who do are surely rewarded by this greatest of all pleasures – which is to know the reality of one's own observations rather than the manipulated narratives of Money Power.

Someone like Cremo, who has followed his own belief structure and research to realize radically original conclusions must certainly derive gratification from questioning the common wisdom, even as we derive pleasure from his queries, too. An unexamined life is not worth living, according to some ancient Greeks. Neither is an unexamined social polity or evolutionary history.

Effective July 16, 2013 The Daily Bell is no longer accepting feedback. Thank you to all who have contributed to the positive educational effort undertaken by Daily Bell editors.
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  Posted by omnilucid on 05/22/11 04:45 AM

Great Interview, great article. I have read and own all of Veilikovsky's books, and I applaud Michael Cremo for all the work with Dr. Thompson to bring forward this information again and again into the public domain in order to help wake up humanity about re-written history...produced by the elites arm chair history and religion analysts. The British and the Roman Catholic church empire both have known about all the secret history that goes way back for thousands of centuries . They are the only two groups that have always been actively involved in trying to corner the market on all public information pertaining to: world commerce domination, hidden historical treasures, the global trade economy, world monetary system, religious texts and human/spiritual and antiquity. Regards.

Reply from The Daily Bell

And what are the two groups?

  Posted by Rastindian on 05/22/11 05:08 AM

Thank you for an excellent interview,

Being from India and having studied the Bhagwad Gita this summer(albeit in a university as an elective) I can safely say that Michael Cremo's Idea of consciousness and matter is the crux of the Gita and is certainly worthy of a closer examination at the very least.

Though it is disheartening to have to rely on independent foreign research as a means of studying the scriptures,it just goes to show the penetration and subversion of historical knowledge by the power elites,especially in India where a billion souls trample over each other everyday oblivious of their heritage.

Sanskrit (The language of the ved) is lost and there are no easy avenues to access any of the scriptures. It is a sad state of affairs here in the Indian sub-continent. Wishing Michael Cremo all the very best in his pursuit of truth

Reply from The Daily Bell

We mentioned this in the interview. Hopefully, the Internet itself will begin to offer those of Indian descent like yourself more and more opportunity to study ancient texts, discuss them and discover lost information they hold.

  Posted by Justin on 05/22/11 05:20 AM

"According to modern evolutionary thought, humans like us first appeared on earth less than 200,000 years ago, having evolved from more primitive apelike creatures."

Really? I think you will find that there is no such 'consensus', except that we evolved from apelike creatures.

This guy does "not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution". For what reason does he not except it? As far as I can see, because he believes some "historical writings of ancient India" espoused by his 'guru'.

Why not believe god created the earth in 5 days & took the weekend off? Isn't that what's written in the bible?

I hate to break it to you DB but Darwin's theory of evolution is merely a theory which just happens to be supported by observable fact to a certain statistical 'level of confidence'. This is the scientific method, the same method that has brought you the internet & many other modern contrivances.

I realise you are just putting other ideas on the table but this guy is as much a predistigiflationst as any central banker.

Reply from The Daily Bell

You are educating us on the definition of "theory?" Thank you!

  Posted by alexsemen on 05/22/11 06:12 AM

If someone has got the idea to analyse the old cosmogonic myths of the old ( some, strange too old population, and not only in India ) in the actual scientific light of quantum physics and astrophisics , as well the continental shefting theory of Wegenner , will be highly surprise to see that the old myths told to us in common words and symbols the actual quantum and astro-physics.

Another fact: only in Europe , the preferred site of the tour operators from South-Africa 100000 years ago , are more than thousands and thousands artifacts who pull-back the beginning of human race history with more than millions years ago ! In Siberia it is the same , as long in the both America.
But as it is today the scientific menthality, as they will to be presented the fiscus number of the first human being , and let apart the all spiritual and knowledge of old myths, of course the history of mankind begin with the Bible. Never I see something more intellectual ridiculous as manner to build a argumentation !

Reading the actual theory of quantum( last 100 years of discovery) and all new theory about the Cosmos , I was astonished how accurat - but with common words- are the old cosmogonic myths from the down of the history and beyound. It is almost a parallel and similar concept and view about the knowledges and facts how everything is done from the Big-Bang if it was a Big Bang !?

The key is : Devolving, and that is based on entropy , phenomenon that nowbody and nothing could stop. Everything is devolving, nothing at all is evolving, as the common man thinks, as well as the "scientists".
Real scientist will never make such a mistake . And they are a lot !
I am totaly disappointed and obviuse furiouse about the mithomaniacal way of present facts that are only questions !

Archeology as well the Bankology of the Banksters is only a sort of religion, with some kind of moron rituals.

OK , I am a little radical, but with the only purpose to wake up the dogma practitionaires.

As we can see we are living in the deception of partisan dogma's of the PTB, therefore we have not democracy, free-market economy and real freedom ! The real democracy, free-markt economy and real freedom is the only medicine against the actual entropy that will lead to the absolute chaos and human life desintegrations.

Reply from The Daily Bell

Very good, Alexsemen. In South Africa, there is supposedly an ancient Stonehedge and much else ...

  Posted by alexsemen on 05/22/11 06:33 AM

Dear Justin, as I read your ideas, now I am convinced that there could be not any kind of evolution. You are the missing link, that proves that there is not any evolution.
I am not at all religiouse, but please be carrefully with your scientific statistics, because:
Statistically and scientifically ( chemestry and physics all combined ) the life could not be possible !
And surprisingly , against all odds that it is possible, as you see !
Then please be very restraint to support the so called Darwin theory , which by the way it is not his own theory !
Darwin just made a flaw observation about the adaptability , which by the way was well know by the all ancient peoples, long ago before him !
Anyhow his theory settles nothing at all and is proven against all rules of chemistry and physics.
Therfore we have more questions, unsolved and that will remain : Darwin and Howking thougether , whatsoever.

  Posted by rossbcan on 05/22/11 06:34 AM

Michael Cremo: I do not accept the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Perhaps because evolution is intentionally misrepresented to rationalize "might is right" and hierarchical social / economic organization into masters / serfs? Evolution true / false is not dependent on an agreed time-line. Alleging a short time-line restricts search for knowledge before "known" history and suppresses some tough questions regarding the rise and fall of civilizations:

Click to view link

The natures of physical reality (action precedes consequence) and life (adapt to environment, to maximize survival) does explain what we can prove from physical evidence and history. It DOES NOT PROVE how life started (from slime OR intervention) and is thus NOT A THREAT to religion.

  Posted by rossbcan on 05/22/11 07:01 AM

Michael Cremo: "I do not think that professional scientists"

Not all "scientists" are "created" equally. Some are of the old school and ruthlessly follow truth whenever it may lead. This was because the only way for scientists to disseminate information and prove truth was by written word in peer-reviewed journals and scientists were ruthlessly debunking quacks, in search for the value of truth.

More recently, others have realized, with the advent of MSM and the consolidation of the wealth of the people into states (environmental shift for scientists), the way to prosperity is by spewing "democratic truth", to provide "scientific" rationalizations for what power desires to decree.

Scientists, just as the law are lazily standing on their laurels, taking advantage of past established credibility and "trust" to "decree truth" and suppress inconvenient evidence and "truth" that does not fit with the "party line".

These charlatans and their "truths" would not last five minutes among "real" scientists and engineers, in a design review, where ideas are accepted / rejected solely on their merits and how well they match proven knowledge and truth. THINK about it:

Click to view link

  Posted by SSMcDonald on 05/22/11 07:35 AM

One of the facts common about those who have a theory about the age of mankind is the fact that they ALL have a book to sell. Cremo is no different, "However, in my book Forbidden Archeology...." says it all; Cremo is another theorist. However, there is a book in writing, the 2nd oldest book known to mankind. This Book describes mankind in this age being about 6000 years old. Fact or fiction, this Book is still published and its statements cannot be refuted except by someone's theories. One other fact, carbon dating is a theory.

Reply from The Daily Bell

Do you have to interpret every part of the Bible literally to believe in it?

  Posted by rossbcan on 05/22/11 08:29 AM

"they ALL have a book to sell"

Are you stating that the pursuit of truth and knowledge has no value and people should, out of sheer altruism (false concept) spend their time, energy and resources (life) in exchange for nothing?

And, who gets the profits from printing bibles? God or, men? Who profits by organized religion and the wealth, power and property they have acquired? God or, men? Who profits by the "my god is better than your god" crusades and wars? God, or, men?

If organized religions were serious, they would "walk the talk" and live what they preach, such as Budhist and others.

  Posted by mpresley on 05/22/11 08:37 AM

Hindus think long term, and always have an explanation, although it might not be the one you're looking for, or an explanation you want to embrace. Looking about, one concludes that times are bad, not getting better, but probably becoming worse. In spite of all our efforts, why should this be? Certain Vedic texts discuss a cyclical notion of time divided into discrete ages-the "yugas."

Some say that we are now living in the Kali Yuga, and hence under the inauspicious influence of Kali, consort to Siva, the destructive principle. The good news is that we've already slummed through five or six thousand years of this muck. So we've got that going for us. The bad news is that we've only got another 400,000 or so years left. Then things can start getting better. Time to stock up on gold, ammo, a good varmint rifle, and some canned goods-not necessarily in that order, but depending upon your needs.

  Posted by RR on 05/22/11 08:53 AM
Reply from The Daily Bell

Your point being?

  Posted by Jean on 05/22/11 09:17 AM

As a very pertinent addition to what the Daily Bell interview suggests, there is a compelling video by Graham Hancock, one of the preeminent thinkers today concerning the true of our species and the history of the pyramids, sphinx, and so on, which can be found here:

Click to view link

If the people who created these monuments are indeed our ancestors, we have much to look forward to when we 'remember who we are!" Drunvalo Melchizedek tells us that time will soon be upon us. There is no question that these people were a very advanced species with a high level of consciousness compared to us at present. The exciting fact is that we are being told that tour species will soon make a huge leap in consciousness and begin to return to a similarly high level.

Once again, I am delighted to see that the Daily Bell is so advanced in their presentations to us, their readers. My thanks to them!

Reply from The Daily Bell

Great blog.

  Posted by cowboyss on 05/22/11 09:28 AM

As one vedic monk once said, 'we have been observing monkeys for thousands of years and we've never seen one turn into a human'.

It is only due to the false belief that older civilizations were less intelligent than ours that is the basis of such flawed scientific research bias. Ayn Rand has suggested when there is a conflict in the mind, to look at our fundamental beliefs to find them wrong. It behooves us to consider the possibility that ancient civilizations, living millions of years ago, were more advanced than ours.

Other ancient Vedic sciences have been confirmed by modern science, such as ancient Vedic astronomers who stated when the universe began and when it will end. There are the ancient Vedic mathematicians who discovered pi, calculus, so-called Arabic numerals (Arabs credit India), the concept of zero, so-called Pythagorean theory; even Einstein credited India with teaching the modern world about math.

Around 600 BCE, Sage Kanad developed atomic theory and classified all the objects of creation into nine elements (earth, water, light or fire, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul). And Sage Kapil founded cosmology & psychology around 3000 BCE. The list of ancient accomplishments continues. There are other Vedic ideas that modern medicine has yet to prove.

Ayurveda, India's holistic health system, is still being practiced today-even in the West-offering cures to illnesses modern medicine has no cure for-and without side effects. Yet many in the medical field show an equally biased disbelief, despite tens of thousands of research studies-many now using accepted modern research methodology. Yet, in ancient India, doctors described the stages of development of a fetus during the nine months, practiced cesarian and cranial surgeries. One discovery modern science does credit india for is developing rhinoplasty.

In my own Ayurvedic practice I have seen people heal using herbs, lifestyle therapies (eg, nutrition, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy), life purpose, and spiritual tools-healing in just weeks and months, from colds to cancers. In my book, Ayurveda Encyclopedia, I explain how thousands of diseases are healed using the system of Ayurveda.

Acupuncture, which also has its origins in the Vedas, was used by my acupuncturist colleague for a person who was on dialysis. In a few months the patient was able to get off the dialysis machine for good. The doctors were amazed. Recently I told this story to some friends, and one rather intelligent person replied, 'that's not possible', even as I had first-hand knowledge of the situation. Humans hold on to biases even when the new findings would help the individual.

And advanced ancient wisdom is found in many indigenous cultures. In the Amazon rainforest today, there are still tribes living merely from what the jungle provides. And until the oil company's spilled oil contaminated the rainforest's rivers, these people's lived healthy, happy lives using the forest as medicine, food, shelter, and livelihood-without the need for any technology.

While being born in America, I have first-hand experience with ancient cultures and their natural sciences, being recognized as a Vedic monk (swami) and as a shaman, and thus have a foot in both worlds-ancient and modern. According to the ancient prophecy that we are entering the era when spiritual/nature sciences and modern technology sciences exist together, integrated and balanced.

Answers to today's challenges exist in our past history. And mistakes we are making today can be corrected as we learn from past cultures who made the same mistakes. If more people would examine the underlying beliefs that ancient cultures were more advanced than modern civilization, and is older than 200,000 years, they would experience an end to their mental conflict, and with it, solutions for our economic, health, education, environmental, and political debacles that face the world today.

Here is an in-depth article on the above topics with references.

Click to view link

Reply from The Daily Bell

Thanks for your interesting feedback and link.

  Posted by Silky_Johnson on 05/22/11 09:29 AM

This is the best of the religion interviews I've seen so far. While I still don't know enough about Cremo's theories to agree with him--indeed, from what I've read here, I don't agree with him--but I LOVE the fact that he is out there saying what he thinks is true. I'm glad that DB is an open enough forum to let someone who is clearly outside of the elite circles to have some time and exposure.

I say I disagree, but not completely. That is, I am not ready to be a Vedic Creationist, but it is high time someone told the Darwinians to put a sock in it, and I applaud him for doing so. Darwinian evolution is certainly an elite meme.

While the overt racism of evolution that we saw with Margaret Sanger, H.G. Wells, et al., in the early 20th century is no longer in vogue, there is still some sense that the elites are more highly evolved while we, the great unwashed masses who did not go to an Ivy League school, are drones.

This is also good news in the sense that it gives a different viewpoint than the false dichotomy (also an elite meme) of Christian Creation Cretans versus Atheistic Evolution Geniuses. There is a third way...a fourth...countless theories that could be rightly defended, yet we are not allowed to even consider them--our masters won't let us.

Personally, I like the current Roman Catholic approach: sure some kind of evolution -may- be a method that God uses to reveal himself in nature, but Darwinian Evolution is bunk. It won't say one way or the other because it knows that once it says, "The RCC agrees that Darwinian Evolutionary theory is true" the elites will come out with all of the evidence to the contrary, and say, "See, the RCC changed its position, and now we know they are teaching what is demonstrably false! See unwashed masses, it is NOT a revealed religion, but a sham!"

I think Darwinian Evolution is bunk. Humans may have accidents that evolve, but we will remain the same substantially. (I use substance and accident here in the Aristotean-Thomist sense.) Here's one to f-up the Darwinians: If you say that one species can evolve into another than you believe in "Transubstantiation." Transubstantiation is when one substance becomes another substance. If Transubstantiation is laughable as a religious event, why is is somehow respectable as a scientific event? In fact, if you doubt the transubstantiaton from Monkey to Man, then you are branded a religious nut.

The elites will mock you for believing Eucharistic Transubstantiation, while rewarding you for being a faithful advocate of Darwinian Transubstantiation.
Whether the transubstantiation happens instantly, over the course of minutes or millenia is itself not a meaningful question because no matter what the timeframe, the action is the same: A becomes B. To argue that time does matter in this action is to introduce Zeno's Paradox into the discussion--but that is not real philosophy, only a parlour trick. The elites like parlour tricks because it keeps people scratching their heads while they put shackles on our ankles.

The only way Darwinians can counter this is to deny Aristotelian categories. The problem with that is Aristotle's categories still work. I have yet to see anything in existence that cannot be described by the categories. This leads me to one last comment, as I have aready made you endure my diarrhea-of-the-keyboard for too long:

Science can only explain HOW some measurable physical phenomenon happens. It cannot explain WHY. Anyone claiming to be a scientist who expresses measurable physical phenomenon in terms of WHY has ceased to be a scientist. And lately, I've noticed a lot of anthropomorphizing of natural phenomenon, especially among the Environmentalist sects, which leads me to believe we don't really have much true science left in this world, but only "scientism" the religion the elites are foisting on us.

So, Mr. Cremo, thank you for being brave enough to call into question the elites' false history of the human race. I'm not sure that I believe your history, but by God, I am glad you are out there promoting it. Anyone who calls the "official story" into question is all right with me.

Reply from The Daily Bell

Thanks for a thoughtful feedback.

  Posted by memehunter on 05/22/11 09:45 AM

Great interview DB!

"What we do know from our own observations (and that of our intrepid feedbackers) over the past two years, is that modern history as Henry Ford once said, is bunk, a series of fairy tales spun for the benefit of the ruling elite."

I will take partial credit for being one of those "intrepid feedbackers" (after all, I remember mentioning the close connections between Darwinism and the Freemason/Fabian ideology at a time where DB was not comfortable considering alternatives to Darwinism, as well as mentioning Fomenko's alternative chronology).

"The reactions in your question are typical of a group that I call the fundamentalist Darwinists. They support the theory of evolution not for purely scientific reasons, but because it confirms their prior commitments to a strict materialism."

I believe that this is one of the most important points of the entire interview, and it is definitely one of the elements that got me to start questioning the whole Darwinian narrative.

Obviously, I have no idea whether Cremo is right, and I have no reason to favor Christian Creationism, Vedic creationism, or some sort of non-Darwinian theory of evolution (which would probably be my current choice; I hope to be able to flesh out that theory some day). But the main "take-home message", as far as I am concerned, is that there are serious flaws with the Darwinian account which should be enough to raise a red flag for most readers, especially considering the origins of Darwinism and its connection to NWO ideologists such as the Huxleys.

On that topic, I would like to recommend "The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship" by Phillip and Paul Collins, two authors that I would like to see interviewed by DB at some point.

  Posted by Dave Jr on 05/22/11 09:49 AM

To me, religions are old, left over power structures of the original, or at least early forms of elitism. The majority today is still caught up in these psychological traps, the organized religions. The only "secret knowledge", is the knowledge of how people are manipulated for the benefit of an elite class. There is no other kind information that is worth the effort of withholding it.

The human mind is evolving. Anyone only has to ponder how far we have come in the last couple of hundred years in understanding the natural world, to see the evolution. What part of this evolution does a creator have? What shame is there in admitting, "I don't know"? Hardly anyone says, "I don't know". Almost everyone wants to claim they do know, but it is not good enough unless others believe the same. Why is that?

Science is a method for seeking the truth. Religions have always tried to co-opt its' method and result. Be wary of those who would put labels on you. Organizing is a psychological round up. For what reason would you need to be herded into a group?

It is interesting and entertaining to discuss and ponder each other's theories. But once the coercion starts, it is all over for me.

Reply from The Daily Bell

Thank you for another insightful feedback. Just for the record, we have never been especially comfortable with Darwinism, entirely, though it seems logical in parts.

  Posted by Adam on 05/22/11 10:17 AM

Evolution to Occur Thursday
Click to view link,20409/

  Posted by s1lver on 05/22/11 10:17 AM

Interesting interview. Now what? I have to admit, I'm a sucker for cosmic consciousness. But at the same time, I stand by the old saying, "Don't believe anything you hear and half of what you see". It is with the spirit of this rule that I read anything. Or hear anything. Or see anything. After all, what good is spiritual experience unless it is direct? And if it is to be conveyed at all it can only be between an intimate guru/devotee relationship. Creationist/Non-creationist? Believe what you think you have to. Does that do anything in the scheme of things? Take the journey out and in.

  Posted by Adam on 05/22/11 10:18 AM
  Posted by rossbcan on 05/22/11 10:35 AM

DB: "never been especially comfortable with Darwinism"

Concur. That is because it is a social movement, an organized opinion based on false premises, based on willful misinterpretation of evolution, as explained above.

This goes hand in hand with falsely framed Machiavellian arguments of "necessity" which purport to "prove" by "process of elimination" from a reduced reality (set of pertinent facts / forces), a negative (lack of other alternatives). This is a logical impossibility, as is proving the non-existence of god for the simple reason we are not able to consider nor search all of infinite reality.

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