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6 total stories related to gamespotting

GameSpot editors gather their favorite user created blogs and get them featured in the new GameSpotting!


  1. The Allure of Ambiguity: On the Power of Uncertain Game Endings Thumbnail
    Feature | 116 days ago |

    Guest writer tomcat discusses why the endings that stay with him the most are often those that shy away from offering traditional resolutions.

  2. The Zone of Influence: How Paratext Can Change Our Experience With Games Thumbnail
    Feature | 144 days ago |

    Guest writer tomcat explores how a game's paratext can be creatively used to enhance our affection for a game's developer or our experience of the game itself.

  3. BioShock Infinite: Baptism of the Human Heart Thumbnail
    Feature | 151 days ago |

    Youth pastor Ashley Dusenbery offers his personal perspective on the use of baptism in BioShock Infinite.

  4. If the Rumors Are True: 5 Reasons the Next Xbox Will Fail Thumbnail
    Feature | 158 days ago |

    Is the writing on the wall for the next generation's Xbox? Here are five rumors that could spell doom should they prove true.

  5. Why Tomb Raider Failed as a Reboot Thumbnail
    Feature | 165 days ago |

    Lara is a vaguely established character in other games, and for this reboot we were told that this game would redefine her. But did it really?

  6. Masters of Reality Thumbnail
    Feature | 181 days ago |

    As consoles become more and more capable of creating convincing realities, it falls upon indie developers to create gaming's most imaginative worlds.