E-mail: inquiry@geeklygroup.com | Direct: +1.253.987.5387

Our Business is About Your Bytes™

We geeks are seeking out new opportunities to serve customers in need of our services! We're offering an iPad Mini as a reward for referrals!


Web Automation

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Digital Changes Quickly - Can Your Website Keep Up?

The digital media landscape changes at light speed. For web and social data to be useful, it requires immediate slicing, dicing, and analysis. To make this process simple and effective, you need tools that work together with your website and social channels.

Our Business is About Your Bytes -- putting your bytes together to create measurable ROI. We specialize in custom web automation and design, helping you gather, refine, and analyze your data, turning it into useful information for your business. If you have multiple data points that need to be joined so they are working together, you need to contact us.

Geekly Group can make your business life easier and take the headache out of day-to-day redundant data tasks. We can build custom scripts, macros, reporting interfaces, database reports, you name it! No computing task is too small to be automated an integrated into a complete digital media solution. After all, we didn't spend all that time in computer camp when we were kids for nothing you know!