Science Corner

What are eddies?

Are all eddies the same?

How do we know that eddies exist in the ocean?


Why and how do eddies form?

Hawaiian Eddies:  Our Project.

So why do we care about eddies anyway?

Group Photo of Scientists onboard E-Flux II.  Back row, starting at right: Mak Saito, Tommy Dickey, Victor Kuwahara, Will Black, Melinda Simmons, Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Bob Bidigare, Mike Landry.  Front Row: FeiZhou Chen, Kanchan Maiti, Eun Jin Yang, Trisha McAndrew, Abigail Noble, Shimi Rii  (Not shown, Susan Brown)

**Ship Terminology


Take a tour of the Research Vessel Kaimikai 'O Kanaloa with Flat Stan. 



Read Email Correspondence from the ship's Chief Scientist

on Life at Sea   


Let Sponge Bob introduce you to the crew of the Research Vessel Wecoma





What do we do for FUN?



A Day in the Life of a Graduate Student at Sea

Acknowledgements:  This website is brought to you by the scientists of the E-Flux Project. 

Please contact Dr. Claudia Benitez-Nelson for further information and comments regarding this site..

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