Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology

Psychology Terms defined from A to Z

Psychology selected terms: 29 page 1 of 2

1. Loading dose In pharmacokinetics, a loading dose refers to an initial higher dose of a drug that may be given at the beginning of a course of treatment before dropping down to a lower maintenance dose. More… 0.9 KB
2. Lobotomy A lobotomy is a neurosurgical procedure, a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy or leucotomy (from Greek leukos: clear or white and tomos meaning "cut/slice"). It More… 1.3 KB
3. Localisation In general , placing the source of a particular stimulus; the most common usage is perhaps in BRAIN LOCALISATION.
4. Location chart reproductions of the Rorshach inkblots included in the record blank so that the examiner may record the location of the subject's response.
5. Locus coeruleus The Locus coeruleus, also spelled locus caeruleus, is a nucleus in the brain stem involved with physiological responses to stress and panic. It was discovered in the 1700s by Félix More… 4.0 KB
6. Locus of Control Rotter described a Locus-of-Control Scale that indicated beliefs related to internal versus external sources of control over events. This led to a number of studies on individual differences More… 0.6 KB
7. Locus of control locus of control A PERSONALITY dimension in which people who have an internal locus feel they have control over what happens to them, and people with an external locus tend to attribute More… 0.3 KB
8. Logarithmic curve a curve in which one of the coordinates is the logarithmic value of a variable while the other coordinate is the natural value of a variable. For example, the equation y = log x, yields a More… 0.2 KB
9. Logic in China In the history of logic, logic in China plays a particularly interesting role due to its length and relative isolation from the strong current of development of the study of logic in Europe More… 1.2 KB
10. Logic in Islamic philosophy Logic (Arabic: Mantiq) played an important role in early Islamic philosophy, making logic in Islamic philosophy an important branch of study in the history of logic. Islamic law placed More… 1.3 KB
11. Logical atomism Logical atomism is a philosophical belief that originated in the early 20th century with the development of analytic philosophy. Its principal exponents were the British philosopher Bertrand More… 1.0 KB
12. Logical constructs Logical constructs : Constructs introduced within the framework of a theory with the aim of explaining behavioral data. The logical constructs fill a gap in observation and experimentation, More… 0.5 KB
13. Logical positivism Logical positivism (also known as logical empiricism and neo-positivism) is a school of philosophy that combines empiricism, the idea that observational evidence is indispensable for More… 2.2 KB
14. Logicism one of the schools of thought in the philosophy of mathematics, putting forth the theory that mathematics is an extension of logic and therefore all mathematics is reducible to logic. More… 0.5 KB
15. Long term memory A relatively permanent store, which has unlimited capacity and duration. Different kinds of long-term memory have been identified, including Episodic (Memory for personal events), Semantic More… 0.3 KB
16. Longitudinal research longitudinal research Repeated study of the same people over a period of time.
17. Looking-glass self looking-glass self In SOCIOLOGY, the part of a person's SELFIMAGE that is based on the reactions or judgements of other people, suggested by the American sociologists C.H.Cooley and More… 0.2 KB
18. Loosening of associations A disturbance of thinking shown by speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another that is unrelated or minimally related to the first. Statements that lack a meaningful More… 0.4 KB
19. Lorazepam Lorazepam, initially marketed under the brand names Ativan and Temesta, is a benzodiazepine drug with short to medium duration of action. It has all five intrinsic benzodiazepine effects: More… 3.7 KB
20. Lorenz Konrad Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989) An Austrian pioneer of ETHOLOGY whose books King Solomon's Ring and On Aggression helped popularise the subject.
21. Loss aversion In prospect theory, loss aversion refers to people's tendency to strongly prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains. Some studies suggest that losses are twice as powerful, More… 1.5 KB
22. Loss of control Failure to restrain impulses, functions, or actions that ordinarily can be regulated consciously (e.g., aggressive actions, sexual impulses, bladder and bowel emptying). In relation to More… 0.5 KB
23. Loudness Loudness is the quality of a sound that is the primary psychological correlate of physical strength (amplitude). Loudness, a subjective measure, is often confused with objective measures of More… 0.7 KB
24. Louis Leon Thurstone (29 May 1887–30 September 1955) was a U.S. pioneer in the fields of psychometrics and psychophysics. He conceived the approach to measurement known as the law of comparative judgment, and is More… 0.9 KB
25. Love Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, More… 3.8 KB

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Psychology Dictionary Terms