Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology
Psychology Terms defined from A to Z
Psychology selected terms: 16 page 1 of 1

1. Learned helplessness learned helplessness The idea that animalsand peoplewho havepreviously been in a situation where they could not avoid being punished learn that they are helpless, and continue to react More… 0.3 KB
2. Learning disability In the United States and Canada, the terms learning disability, learning disabilities, and learning disorders (LD) refer to a group of disorders that affect a broad range of academic and More… 1.4 KB
3. Learning organization The learning organization has its origins in companies like Shell, where Arie de Geus described learning as the only sustainable competitive advantage using the 1973 oil crisis as a More… 1.9 KB
4. Learning plateau learning plateau A flattening of the LEARNING CURVE due to a temporary halt in learning progress.
5. Learning set learning set Sometimes described as 'learning how to learn'; a generalised approach to problems in which animals or people carry over to a new learning situation the responses More… 0.3 KB
6. Learning styles learning styles The different approaches people take to the process of learning based on INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES in COGNITION and PERSONALITY.
7. Learning to learn acquiring skill at learning tasks through practice at learning. Some psychologists believe that learning to learn can account for behavior formerly classified under insight learning.
8. Leo Kanner Leo Kanner (pronounced "Conner") (June 13, 1894 – April 3, 1981) was an Austrian psychiatrist and physician known for his work related to autism. Kanner's work formed the More… 1.5 KB
9. Leon Eisenberg Leon Eisenberg (1922-), child psychiatrist and medical educator, is credited with a number of "firsts" in medicine and psychiatry - in child psychiatry, autism, and the More… 3.8 KB
10. Leon Pierce Clark (sometimes L. Pierce Clark) (1870-1933) was an American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He was the president of the American Psychopathological Association (APPA) during 1923 and 1924. His More… 0.7 KB
11. Lesbianism lesbianism Female HOMOSEXUALITY. The word 'homosexual' can be applied to women because it is derived from the Greek 'homos' (same) ratherthan the Latin 'homo' More… 0.4 KB
12. Lesion Damage to bodily tissue from accident, disease or surgery. In the study of BEHAVIOUR the term usually refers to BRAIN DAMAGE.
13. Leslie Zebrowitz Dr. Leslie A. Zebrowitz is a social psychologist who studies the effects of the way people look on others' attitudes towards them. Her research has shown conclusively that babyfaced and More… 0.5 KB
14. Level of aspiration level of aspiration The goals or standards of performance a person sets for himself.
15. Levels of processing levels of processing The theory that the way in which something is perceived and processed during learning will determine how much information about it is stored in LONG-TERM MEMORY. More… 0.4 KB
16. Lewin Kurt Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947) A student of the early GESTALT PSYCHOLOGISTS who applied some of their thinking to SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY where he pioneered the field of GROUP DYNAMICS.

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Psychology Dictionary Terms