Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology
Psychology Terms defined from A to Z
Psychology selected terms: 153 page 1 of 7

1. B wave of electroretinogram A large positive wave pattern that follows a brief negative A wave as part of a complex electrical response to stimulation of an animal's retina by a flash of light. The effect is More… 0.3 KB
2. Baal is a Northwest Semitic title and honorific meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu. A More… 0.9 KB
3. Babble Alternating consonant and vowel speech sounds that an infant exhibits, beginning at the age of approximately, four months; e.g, dadada.
4. Babinski reflex sign extensions of the toes when the sole of the foot is lightly stroked. Normally the toes contract (pantar reflex). The babinski reflex is manifested by normal infants and by those afflicted More… 0.3 KB
5. Babism Bábism is a religious movement that flourished in Persia from 1844 to 1852, then lingered on in exile in the Ottoman Empire (especially Cyprus) as well as underground. Its founder was Siyyid More… 0.8 KB
6. Baby Boomers A generation-based demographic used informally in the United States, referring to those individuals born between 1946 and 1964, leading to a big post-war (World War II) population boom.
7. Baby talk Sounds used by the normal-speaking child during the early stages of speech development; also a speech disorder characterized by such speech sounds.
8. Baccha In the settled oasis region of Central Asia (Turkestan), entertainers known as bacchá (a Turkic term borrowed from Persian bacche بچه‌ "child, young man, calf") were once common, More… 2.7 KB
9. Bachelor A bachelor is a man above the age of majority who has never been married. The term is sometimes restricted to men who do not have and are not actively seeking a spouse or other personal More… 2.0 KB
10. Bacillophobia fear of germs.
11. Back formation Formation of a word by eliminating prefix or suffix from an existing word; also a word thus formed: for example, product from production.
12. Background 1- the portions of a picture depicted as being in the rear or at some distance from the figure. the background is typically less distinct, may be less sharply contoured, and may lack More… 0.4 KB
13. Backward association in verbal learning, the connection that exists between a given item in a series and a preceding item. Contr: "Forward association".
14. Backward conditioning a procedure whereby the conditioned stimulus follows the unconditioned stimulus. The procedure is unreliable, and some psychologists consider such conditioning an artifact. See also: More… 0.3 KB
15. Backwardness 1- a condition of mild intellectual retardation. 2- less than the normal rate of intellectual development. 3- scholastic retardation not the result of intellectual deficiency.
16. Bacopa monnieri Bacopa monnieri (Coastal Waterhyssop, Brahmi, Thyme-leafed gratiola, Water hyssop) is a perennial, creeping herb whose habitat includes wetlands and muddy shores. Brahmi is also the name More… 2.8 KB
17. Bad object One of the results of splitting of the psychic representations of objects into their pleasurable, exciting, good, supportive, nurturing, and needs-meeting aspects (i.e., the good object), More… 0.6 KB
18. Bagism Bagism is a term which was created by John Lennon and Yoko Ono as part of their extensive peace campaign in the late 1960s. The intent of bagism was to satirize prejudice and stereotyping. More… 0.6 KB
19. Bait shyness An unwillingness or hesitation on the part of animals to accept a particular food: often caused by the presence of a taste aversion.
20. Balance 1- Harmony among several opposing tendencies as in emotional balance. 2- In Newcomb's theory, the pleasant state that exists when two people like each other and agree about some topic. More… 0.2 KB
21. Balance theory 1- In social psychology, a point of view that people tend to embrace attitudes and opinions they consider compatible with their prior ideas while avoiding or rejecting attitudes they find More… 0.6 KB
22. Balanced replication An experimental design that includes both conditions necessary to reproduce earlier findings thoiught to be artifacts, and conditions designed to rule out the effect of those artifacts.
23. Band chart diagram A curved surface divided into horizontal groups with the abscissa customarily representing time and the ordinate representing amount of a number of classes, with classes added to one another More… 0.3 KB
24. Bandwagon effect also called social proof or "cromo effect" and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe More… 1.8 KB
25. Barbiturate A sedative-hypnotic agent, which depresses metabolic functions in several body systems especially in the central nervous system.

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Psychology Dictionary Terms