Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology

Psychology Terms defined from A to Z

Psychology selected terms: 142 page 1 of 6

1. ABA design An experimental design in which a participant's or animal subject's behavior is measured under baseline conditions (A). then an experimental treatement is applied (B) and any More… 0.6 KB
2. ABAB design An experimental design that compares two independent variables (A and B). Shifting experimental condition from A to B and then back to A and then back to B to investigate the differing More… 0.3 KB
3. ABBA design 1- An experimental design that compares two independent variables(A and B) to one another in the counterbalanced sequence A--B--B--A. Basic is the assumption that a change in the successive More… 0.8 KB
4. ABC strategy the ABC strategy, also called Abstinence, be faithful, use a condom or abstinence-plus sex education, or abstinence-based sex education, is a sex education policy based on harm reduction More… 1.9 KB
5. ABX An experimental procedure in which the subject is presented with three stimuli on each trial and must decide whether the last (X) matches the first (A) or the second (B).
6. ABX paradigm In research, when a third stimulus is to be matched with fist two. a procedure to establish different sensory thresholds. After exposure to two stimulus, A and B, is the same as A or B.
7. Abaissement (abasement, humiliation---french) Pierre Janet's term for inability due to exhaustion (whether physical or psychological), to obey the id's demands.
8. Abalienation Obsolete term for mental illness.
9. Abandoned self (William James) Refers to no longer attempting to model oneself after an ideal self.
10. Abandonment reaction A feeling of emotional deprivation, loss of support, and loneliness experienced by children deserted or neglected by one or both parents. Also experienced by adults who have lost a loved one More… 0.2 KB
11. Abandonment threat a threat to abandon a child used by parents or other adults deliberately as a disciplinary measure, or expressed impulsively in a fit of anger. Such threats may usually arouse anxiety and a More… 0.2 KB
12. Abarognosis Abarognosis is a loss of the ability to detect the weight of an object held in the hand or to tell the difference in weight between two objects. This deficit may be caused by damage to the More… 0.4 KB
13. Abasement Henry A. Murray's term for a need to surrender one's self or will to another, to atone for real or imagined shortcomings.
14. Abasement need (Henry A. Murray) A desire to submit to aggressive punishing behavior ot others, or to humble or degrade oneself.
15. Abasia 1- Inaility to work because of physiological difficulties.2- A symptom of conversion hysteria characterized by loss of motor coordination leading to inability to walk or stand; normally More… 0.5 KB
16. Abasiophilia Abasiophilia is a psychosexual attraction to people with impaired mobility, especially those who use orthopaedic appliances such as leg braces, orthopedic casts, spinal braces, or More… 1.4 KB
17. Abatement Generally, lessening deminishing. Often used with respect to pain or the symptoms of a disease or disability.
18. Abative scoring standardization One of the three types of standardization, the other two being normative (across people) and ipsative (across the same response to different stimuli). Abative scoring standardization is used More… 0.3 KB
19. Abcissa The horizontal coordinate of a point in a plane Cartesian coordinate system. Commonly, although strictly speaking not correctly, the term is used for the x-axis. In standard notation, values More… 0.3 KB
20. Abclution Rejection of the established behavior paterns of the culture.
21. Abdominal reflex Contraction of the adbominal muscles when the overlying skin is stroked lightly.
22. Abducens nerve Cranial nerve. Carries somatic motor (general visceral efferent) fibers for control of the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. Also known as abducent nerve.
23. Abducent nerve The VIth cranial nerve, it innervates the external rectus muscle in the eye, which functions to rotate the eyeball outward.
24. Abduction 1.Lateral movement of a limb away from the median plane of the body. 2. Charles Sanders Peirce's term for the cognitive process whereby hypotheses are generated on the basis of some More… 0.5 KB
25. Abductive reasoning A method of reasoning in which one chooses the hypothesis that would, if true, best explain the relevant evidence. Abductive reasoning starts from a set of accepted facts and infers their More… 2.0 KB

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Psychology Dictionary Terms