Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology
Psychology Terms defined from A to Z
Psychology selected terms: 157 page 1 of 7

1. Race race An anthropological term denoting a biological sub-division of human beings with a common genetic ancestry. This common ancestry produces common physical characteristics such as More… 0.9 KB
2. Race differences Physical or mental differences associated with race. It has been difficult to substantiate mental or intellectual differences between races, because of the lack of cross-cultural tests.
3. Race prejudice A prejudgmentof an individual made on the basis of his race. Such attitudes are usually associated with the belief that the members of the race in question possess undesirable qualities. More… 0.2 KB
4. Racial antisemitism Racial antisemitism is the belief that antisemitism, hatred or prejudice toward Jews, is justified and justifiable on racial and not religious grounds. It is asserted that Jews are a More… 2.6 KB
5. Racial memory Those structures, ideas, feeling, and memory traces presumed to be inherited. Carl jung was the chief exponent of the theory that memories in the form of a racial unconscious could be More… 0.2 KB
6. Radiant energy The electromagnetic disturbance of an oscillatory or wavelike nature commonly called light. The human retina is sensitive to wave lenghts of approximately 400 to 760 nanometers.
7. Radical Psychology Network The Radical Psychology Network (RadPsyNet) began in Toronto in 1993 when two dozen people attended a discussion at the American Psychological Association convention entitled "Will More… 1.2 KB
8. Radical behaviorism is a philosophy developed by B. F. Skinner that underlies the experimental analysis of behavior approach to psychology. The term 'radical behaviorism' applies to a particular More… 1.0 KB
9. Radical therapy a therapeutic approach that aims to bring about changes in the social stucture as a whole as contrasted with the standard individual, groups, family and community approaches. The proponents More… 0.3 KB
10. Radicalism is adherence to radical views and principles in politics. The meaning of the term radical (from Latin radix, root) in a political context has changed since its first appearance in late 18th More… 0.8 KB
11. Radiophobia is an abnormal fear of ionizing radiation, also used in the sense of fear of X-rays. The term is also used (polemically, not medically) to general opposition to the use of nuclear More… 0.5 KB
12. Radix Radix: a bundle of nerve fibers at their point of entry into or departure from the central nervous system.
13. Rage Psychologists say, it is a behavior that every person exhibits in some form. Rage is often used to denote hostile/affective/reactive aggression (as distinct from More… 5.4 KB
14. Random assignment A method of assigning subjects to groups in an experiment that gives each subject an equal chance of being in each group. the procedure helps to ensure that groups are comparable before the More… 0.2 KB
15. Random observation Random observation: any observation that has not been planned in advance and is not a part of a systematic series of observations.
16. Random sample A sample is a subject chosen from a population for investigation. A random sample is one chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component. Random sampling can also refer to taking a More… 1.7 KB
17. Randomise In EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, the random selection of subjects for an EXPERIMENTAL GROUP, or the random presentation of stimuli to the subjects in the EXPERIMENT. This is done so that all More… 0.3 KB
18. Range A rough statistical measure of the spread or variation in scores. The difference between the lowest and the highest scores in any distribution.
19. Range of convenience Range of convenience: (kelly) those events or situations included in a construct or construct system (q.v.)
20. Rank order rank order A series arranged in order of magnitude either increasing or decreasing
21. Ranked distribution Ranked distribution: an array of scores or values put in order from high to low according to some criterion.
22. Rapid cycling bipolar disorder Diagnosis given when a person has four or more cycles of mania and depression within a single year.
23. Rapid eye movement sleep Is a normal stage of sleep characterized by rapid movements of the eyes. REM sleep is classified into two categories: tonic and phasic. The phenomenon of REM sleep and its association with More… 6.3 KB
24. Rapid-smoking treatment A behavior therapy technique for reducing cigarette smoking in which the person is instructed to puff much more quickly than usual in an effort to make the whole experience an aversive one. More… 0.2 KB
25. Rapport A close, trusting relationship, believed to be essential for effective psychotherapy.

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Psychology Dictionary Terms