superlistBy Katharine Trendacosta and Charlie Jane Anders

9 Scientific Breakthroughs That Killed Science Fiction Subgenres

Science fiction looks to the future — but sometimes the future catches up to you. Sometimes, an idea generates tons of great science fiction stories — until science reveals the truth, and kills it dead. Or technology surpasses it. Here are nine scientific breakthroughs that destroyed science fiction subgenres. Read… 8/29/13 10:29am Yesterday 10:29am

Read… 8/29/13 10:29am Yesterday 10:29am

11 Great SHIELD Storylines That Joss Whedon's Show Should Steal From

In less than a month, we're going to be seeing Joss Whedon's long-awaited return to television, with a show about S.H.I.E.L.D., the shadowy organization from the Marvel movies. But S.H.I.E.L.D. has already had a ton of unforgettable storylines in the comics. Here are 11 sagas that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. could draw on. Read… 8/27/13 10:00am Tuesday 10:00am

Read… 8/27/13 10:00am Tuesday 10:00am

The 7 Most Common Misconceptions About Science Fiction Publishing

Science fiction book publishers sail the multiverse like a fleet of unstoppable hyper-cruisers. And many of us dream of being beamed up to one of these motherships. But at the same time, a lot of people don't understand how the system works. Here are the seven most common mistaken ideas about science fiction book… Read… 8/23/13 10:35am 8/23/13 10:35am

Read… 8/23/13 10:35am 8/23/13 10:35am

10 Influential Movies (Where Everybody Copied the Wrong Thing)

Every once in a while, a movie comes along that changes everything. A film that rewrites the rules and influences a generation of film-makers. But all too often, the people who imitate these ground-breaking movies miss the point. Here are 10 science fiction and fantasy movies from which everybody copied the wrong… Read… 8/20/13 10:14am 8/20/13 10:14am

Read… 8/20/13 10:14am 8/20/13 10:14am

7 Scifi Literary and Journalistic Hoaxes that Readers Believed

The idea of sophisticated life on the moon might seem absurd today, but when a story about lunary civilization appeared in newspapers in 1835, many wondered if it could be true. And that's hardly the only scifi story readers have found credible enough to believe. Read… 8/18/13 7:00am 8/18/13 7:00am

Read… 8/18/13 7:00am 8/18/13 7:00am

12 Incredibly Embarrassing Superhero Transformations

“Stability” isn’t a term superheroes get to hear much. People die and come back, teams are constantly changing members, and new villains are always popping up. Heck, most heroes can’t even depend on their own bodies to stay constant, thanks to magic, mad scientists, and/or otherworldly rocks. Here are a dozen heroes… Read… 8/16/13 10:05am 8/16/13 10:05am

Read… 8/16/13 10:05am 8/16/13 10:05am

7 Security Measures That Were Doomed From The Start

Some security measures, no matter how high-tech and futuristic, are doomed to fail. Governments and corporations spend billions of dollars on these systems, but never actually protect any of their assets. Here are seven of the worst security fails in human history. Read… 8/14/13 1:00pm 8/14/13 1:00pm

Read… 8/14/13 1:00pm 8/14/13 1:00pm

9 Questions We Have About the Wool Trilogy’s Epic Finale, Dust

If you know Wool, then you’re already counting the days until Saturday. Hugh Howey’s epic about the last remnants of humanity living in massive underground silos — and the horrifying truth of why they’re there — has sold over half million copies online alone. The trilogy finally comes to a close this August 17th, with… Read… 8/13/13 9:35am 8/13/13 9:35am

Read… 8/13/13 9:35am 8/13/13 9:35am

7 Dystopian Technologies That Would Never Exist in Real Life

Everybody loves dystopias nowadays — especially dystopias where the evil overlords have crazy unstoppable gear. But a shockingly high number of dystopian futures feature technology that makes no sense, that no engineer would ever design that way. Here are 7 dystopian technologies that could never actually happen. Read… 8/09/13 10:16am 8/09/13 10:16am

Read… 8/09/13 10:16am 8/09/13 10:16am

The 11 Most Important Political Science Fiction Movies

Science fiction looks to the future — but it also reflects the time when it was created. And the best science fiction often holds up a distorting lens to society that reveals deeper truths. In honor of tomorrow's release of Elysium, here are 11 science fiction films that had a huge impact on pop culture, and also… Read… 8/08/13 10:04am 8/08/13 10:04am

Read… 8/08/13 10:04am 8/08/13 10:04am

20 Science Fiction Moments That Will Make Absolutely Anyone Cry

Yes, we don't care who you are. If you're not completely dead inside, like some freeze-dried husk, then there are certain moments from science fiction and fantasy that will make you break down. Here are 20 of the most tear-jerking moments from science fiction and fantasy stories. (Update: Added 5 more!) Read… 8/07/13 10:00am 8/07/13 10:00am

Read… 8/07/13 10:00am 8/07/13 10:00am
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