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Vote for your favourite Grand Theft Auto song ever!

Watch our top ten, then choose your favourite song, radio station and GTA soundtrack

GTAVoclock updates every Wednesday at 5pm GMT on YouTube.

Earlier this week, our weekly GTA 5 show GTAV o'Clock chose their top ten tracks of all time. It was heavy on the 80s, with a mighty nod to GTA: Vice City, plus a few curve balls from San Andreas and GTA IV. Hip hop, rock and, er, Vladivostock FM, were pretty poorly represented - but this is your chance to set things straight.

The GTAV o'Clock top ten was whittled down from a 'shortlist' of 79 songs - and you can hear it all argued out below. Warning: contains tone-deaf singing and a joke about Bobby McFerrin.

"Before I clicked on the episode. I thought it was going to be crap. But I was wrong", said one YouTube commenter. High praise, indeed.

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Well, now it's your chance to set the record straight, and give some love to tracks from Radio Los Santos, V-Rock and Radio Espantoso.

1) What is the best GTA song of all time?

2) What is the best GTA radio station of all time?

3) Which GTA game has the best soundtrack?

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