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The Talk of Magicians
by Elizabeth Ryerson on 08/08/13 03:07:00 pm   Expert Blogs   Featured Blogs

The following blog was, unless otherwise noted, independently written by a member of Gamasutra's game development community. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Gamasutra or its parent company.

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this post was originally featured on my blog here:

there's a discussion in the comments section worth reading.

(be warned, there are spoilers for Corrypt!)


The Talk Of Magicians

"If Corrypt had more-polished graphics and sound, and were a bit longer, 100X-1000X as many people would play it...and it would make a good living for the developer" Braid developer Jon Blow tweeted. Other commercially-successful game devs followed suit: Hundreds developer Greg Wohlwend said in the same twitter conversation that he and Spelltower developer Zach Gage "agree(d) with jon" and that if Corrypt dev Michael Brough “worked on the visuals, the game would then be more accessible to outsiders". Blow, Wohlwend, and Gage then laid out advice for Brough on how to sell his game. Brough had for some reason set the original price on the app store at 1.00, which he changed to 2 dollars shortly after. "Part of it is building a name for yourself. these designs are good enough that you could build a base of people who would pay $10/$20 for whatever you do..." Blow said. Wohlwend agreed, and emphasized that by setting the price higher he'll "grow a following that will pay for (his) quality game design."

A few weeks prior, New Zealand-born, UK-based game developer Michael Brough posted on his blog re: his future prospects of full-time game development: "I expect to keep going for another year or two and then have to give up and get a real job". Indeed - according to his post, the only thing that brought Brough much money in 2012 was his game Vertex Despenser, which was a part of an Indie Royale Bundle that just happened to contain a pack of several titles from the commercially successful Serious Sam franchise in it. Still, 2012 was a productive year for Brough: he had four of his games in the app store: O, Glitch Tank, Zaga 33, and Corrypt. Shortly after making this post, his game Vesper.5 was nominated for a Nuovo award at this year's IGF. Brough's recent shout-outs for Corrypt from more high profile game devs like Blow, Canabalt creator Adam Atomic, and NYU Game Center director Frank Lantz (in an app store review) have also no doubt helped him get some more exposure since then. He even has been profiled recently in an issue of Wired.

But the value of this kind of social currency is becoming increasingly vague and hard to parse. A month after Brough's post, UK game developer Sophie Houlden, in a post reviewing her past few years as a full-time indie, wrote "I have enough money left to eat for a month, maybe two". Her situation is not particularly unique among indies. Brough's lack of app store success shows how difficult it can be to make any degree of living off selling one's games on distribution services. And Steam Greenlight, a supposed help for users to vote for lesser-known developers to get sold on the popular digital distribution service Steam, is not exactly what one might call a friendly venue for slightly offbeat developers like Brough or Houlden either. Putting aside the controversy surrounding the 100 dollar entry fee, one look at the list of Greenlit games and you'll see a very conservative cross-section of the "indie" community. Many even appear to be unfinished (On Greenlight, Houlden tweeted: "Greenlight is great, how else would unfinished games get a steam deal instead of hundreds of finished games!"). If it's much of a surprise to anyone that these are the games the Steam community would choose to put on the distribution service, they haven't been paying very much attention. But it does certainly dispel the oft-repeated cliche that the best or most interesting ideas eventually rise to the top.


Walking into the world of a Michael Brough game feels like stepping inside of a machine that has existed for a very long time before you ever entered into it. His obsession with hyper-intricate backgrounds with interlocking networks of symbols, like these circuit board-style designs for his game Helix feel like occupying the nervous system of a living being - which makes no concessions to you, nor does it make any effort to translate its logic into human language. There's a constant tension between this alienness and your in-game character, of just being in the environment and then having to manipulate it to serve your own ends and progress in the game.

Brough's games are also particularly notable in the way they have no seeming desire to make concessions to players while still being somewhat approachable and "game-like" in terms of mechanics. He does all the visuals and sound in his games - and largely because of this consistency, across genres and styles they all feel like self-contained worlds. These worlds can be cryptic and unfriendly, often hostile to many players. The Wired article (somewhat bafflingly) describes them in its title as "ugly".

This "ugliness" is actually a highly-refined, organic style of Brough's that somehow manages to feel both coarse and delicate. Brough has been using this style across a majority of his games, but Corrypt addresses the possible intent behind the aesthetics by encoding strong environmental overtones into it. In Corrypt, your character awkwardly shuffles through and pushes a series of boxes and manipulates the environment to complete side quests and collect mushrooms and gems and keys. After your character pushes enough boxes to collect enough items, he has the power to spend them as currency to buy magic from a magician (which other NPCs in the game warn him to stay away from). Buying magic allows the player to completely alter the fabric of the environment, permanently destroying and warping it in all kinds of maddeningly unpredictable ways, in order to gain every last item. This process enacts a lot of fear and anxiety in the player, especially as he or she moves further along, from seeing what her or his actions have wrought.

It's hard not to see the magic in the game as some sort of allegory on human beings' never-ending thirst for more resources, and the irreparable damage it enacts on the environment. It suggests, especially taken with his other works like Vesper.5, that environments are delicate spaces that need to be accepted on their own terms in order to really be understood at a deeper level.

These greater themes seem to be absent in the little critical writing that does exist about his games - they're not mentioned anywhere in the Wired article, nor in this detailed critical reading, which focuses solely on the mechanical aspects of his games. The strangeness and beauty of the environments become a marginalized backdrop to a game seen as only remarkable from a design perspective - something the game even seems to mock with its flat looking aesthetics and its big, square block pushing and its few mock-JRPG miniquests in the beginning.

Not only have Blow and other well-known devs failed to understand that these subtle aesthetic choices are actually an integral part of the experience of playing Corrypt - they've actually completely missed what the game is trying to communicate in the first place. The more I think about it, the more the gap in perspective and intentions between designers of "polished games" like Blow and more self-expressive, experimental types Brough seems to widen. Maybe this also explains Brough's seeming indifference about how he priced Corrypt in the app store.

Many commercially-focused indie devs might like to say that they intend to use their games to create a deep, thoughtful space through the design. But it's hard to skirt the reality that those devs are often just aiming to create smaller-scale, slightly off-beat versions of already commercially successful formulas. And when they aren't, the focus on polish and polish and on this somewhat impossible goal of reaching a mass audience - in a way that becomes oddly prescriptive and cynical and self-limiting about content, and erasing of the circumstances of those like Brough who maybe don't have the time or money or interest to endlessly "polish" one game. Like Blow et al aren't aware that making something which might not be accessible, or at least their conception of accessible, to a large audience could be anything but a lazy and self-defeating artistic choice in the end. Like they're almost offended that Brough refuses being their protege or following the same career path as them. The message to Brough in Blow's and others' tweets seems clear: either play by the rules or don't expect to make any sort of living off what you're doing.


Still, Brough is lucky. His struggles reaching a wider audience were just recently profiled in more detail in the previously mentioned Wired article. It remains to be seen whether this exposure will let him keep making games full-time - but in private conversation, he told me "I want to be clear... I don't want to be using the image of poverty to get attention" and that him and his wife are comfortable for now. He also acknowledges his privilege in a recent blog post: "If I'm any good at what I'm doing now, it's only through having had the chance to devote an incredible amount of time to it. I'm fortunate. Being able to put years of unpaid full-time work into something before seeing anything back from it is an incredible privilege."

If we know anything about games, we know that the people who make and sell games will need to find ways to make their games resonate with larger audiences outside of "gamers"  if they want a higher degree of cultural penetration. What this might mean, though, no one can really say. Successful indies are, after all, a privileged minority. I strongly suspect that a small percentage of games in the App Store (things like Spelltower, Hundreds, or Canabalt by previously-mentioned devs) make a vast majority of the money, but without anything concrete to prove it, it's still not a particularly rewarding path for most developers to take (to put it lightly). "Indie games" as we know them are barely now five years old, but the idea of a freak, Canabalt-type success now seems all but impossible now, let alone a Minecraft-level one. But the narrative that gets endlessly picked apart and reiterated and grossly fetishized by the press and by vulture-like indie devs is the one of the commercial success stories like Minecraft or Braid or Super Meat Boy - even though Sophie Houlden's (or thousands of less well-known developers') experiences are much more typical.

To Blow or Wohlwend, a talented designer accepting that his or her artistic choices aren't going to make she or he a lot of money might sound like bad a move. But then, the idea that any self-identifying artist finds this to be a not sane or valid perspective to have about his or her art just shows how insane and money-fueled the current climate of videogames, indie or not, is.

It shouldn't be so revolutionary to suggest that the world of a Michael Brough game might be giving players something meaningful - not just mechanically, but aesthetically, that commercially-focused devs like Blow or Wohlwend's games are not. In a world where a majority of indie games aren't known at all outside a relatively small group of insiders, his search for depth, both mechanical and aesthetic, certainly shows a much greater respect towards the works of very un-techie factions of the visual art and music world than his aesthetic's detractors' do.

The excitement that veils something much more sinister - the odd obsession with an unobtainable systemic perfection, often fueled by unrelated emotional pain or longing fostered by society - the thirst for money masked in frenzied experiments to remodel human behavior - an utter cluelessness and indifference to different modes of values or anything and anyone not in the room. This is the language of tech culture of the early 21st century, and the language implicitly embraced by Braid (even if it tries and fails to be critical of this from within). It's a language that just serves as another sad mirror, another small subset of what we are enacting on the earth and all the pain it causes - social, spiritual, environmental. It's a language that Corrypt, in all its seemingly insubstantial, clunky, box-pushing glory, is acutely aware of. It's a language that Corrypt is very critical of in both its aesthetics and design, in a way that Braid misses the boat on.

Conventional wisdom says that in the current market for indie/mobile/social games, players will eventually reach a point when they become so turned off by the absolute oversaturation of  disposable mass-market dross flooding distribution services. Talk is cheap, and talk, in the end, usually fails to account for people's changing needs and values. Then, we can hope, they'll start to actively seek out things which are more mechanically and aesthetically rich. But this could also be false optimism. Maybe the culture of games is so deeply channeled towards the most surface, dumbed-down communication in that the only hope for the future is the freaks coming in from the outside and trying create an entirely new model. Thankfully, Michael Brough is happy to oblige.

Whatever happens, let's pray to God the shovelware market suffocates itself sooner than later - because right now, Brough's games are some the few that offer any sort of real, untainted route out of the unending waves of shallow, manipulative entertainment. Maybe we'll even reach a point in the future where all the highly calculated programmers and businessmen with seemingly unending confidence and resources who make games - or, as Corrypt would call them: magicians, come face to face with a reality they can't undo anymore.


Joseph Elliott
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This reads like the sort of essay that would introduce a book of poetry, like Harold Bloom praising Hart Crane. This is precisely the sort of critical writing I'd love to see more of in this industry.

Brough seems to be getting more and more attention, and I can only hope this makes for a more stable career for him.

sean lindskog
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There is room for both highly polished art, and raw expressive art in both games and other mediums. I've seen beautiful classical paintings in Le Louvre, and I've seen kick-ass graffiti on back alley walls.

Perhaps we might both agree on that.

> Like Blow et al aren't aware that making something which might not be accessible, or at least their conception of accessible, to a large audience could be anything but a lazy and self-defeating artistic choice in the end. Like they're almost offended that Brough refuses being their protege or following the same career path as them.

I'm not Blow, or et al, but I suspect you've misread their intentions. They respect the game design of Brough enough to have played it, critiqued it, and selflessly offered up some advice to help the game reach a wider audience and commercial success. Both things they are experts in.

If the creator of Brough doesn't care about these things, that's cool. Although perhaps it is a shame, if the design is so good, that more people won't enjoy it because of well understood limiting factors in its commercial appeal. Still, that is Brough's choice, and other game devs (like those mentioned) aren't losing any sleep over it. I truly doubt they're "offended that Brough refuses being their protege".

[edit]Maybe they do view Brough as wasted potential, based on their view of personal or artistic success. That's cool too, there's room for different views of success.

Interesting read.

Zach Gage
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I originally posted this comment over on Liz's blog. I thought I'd repost.


I have to admit i am a little bit surprised to name-dropped here.
I think it's possible that you are misreading the intentions of the comments greg and I offered, and perhaps jon's as well, although I am nowhere near familiar enough with him to really back that up.

I love corrypt, and I honestly don't think Michael should change anything about it. I'd guess that Greg agrees. I agree that if Michael changed the graphics on corrypt and had a better business model (whatever that means) he'd probably make more money, but that doesn't mean he should go ahead and do that. I have my share of failed-to-make-money-because-of-aesthetic-choices-i-made games that I'm ultra proud of too (Bit Pilot would be one of them). I also have a horde of new media art and sculptural work that never makes any money and yet is somewhat respected and has shown.

I promise I'm the last person to ever preach to someone about how they should be making money and bending over to the mass market.

I do though feel that sustainability is important in life, and that no matter how you choose to be an artist there are affordances that you have to put up with. If you decide to forgo money entirely and instead opt to marry rich you're indebted to your partner, if you go for grants you're indebted to the government, if you get a sponsor you're indebted to them. If you get a side-job you have to spend your time doing that, and if you try to figure out how to expand your audience to a sustainable size you're indebted to them. If you make no money, you're indebted to the government. There's no true freedom in opportunity to make art, and there's no way to disentangle our output from money and viability. Money is a huge component of our lives and even if we could remove it from our art entirely our experience would probably seem extremely foreign to most of the world who has to deal with it.

I think part of being an artist for a living is coming to terms with what it means to do something 'for a living'. To really do this means coming to terms with money and what it takes to be free to express myself the way I want to. That meant for years working to figure out where my interests converged with a mainstream public. I put out a lot of games that were about shapes and colors and simplicity that leads to depth. Every game I've ever made has been a personal exploration to find something beautiful or fascinating and then figure out how to show it to others to engage their curiosity and give us something to talk about. And those years were definitely frustrating. I remember lamenting about how unfair it was that I was making games that people loved but yet I couldn't make money to survive. And lots of people, many of the people that tell Michael that he'll be fine, told me that I would be fine, that eventually I would make something that worked… And I did, SpellTower was a staggering success for me.

But the lesson I learned was subtle and I guess it doesn't translate clearly on the short-intonationless-twitter that we all rely on. SpellTower didn't do well because I crumbled to the pressures of Mainstream. It did well because I got better at communicating what I love to an audience that shares my interests. When people told me I would make money and would be successful I don't think they were telling me that just because they thought my work was good. I think they told me that because they could see that I was driven to connect with people in that way. (I'm not saying I have this ability or not, or it's noble or not, its just how it is, and how I think people were thinking of me). They saw that I wanted to be able to tell thousands of people about the things that I was interested in, not just a few hundred.

And learning how to connect with people doesn't mean being obsessed with fame or being ultra rich, it means being realistic about how the world works and finding a way that fits with the way you work.

And I think, from what i've read that Michael has written, that he is interested in this as well. I suspect strongly that he wants his beautiful work to reach a wide audience. Whenever I've suggested "business strategies" to him or other indies, its not a takedown of his work, nor is it a prescribed guarantee of success (if it was that easy to get rich selling your stuff for 1$ everyone would be rich). What I suggest is the methods of interrogating your own work that worked for me. All the things I thought about to connect the work I was making to the people who I thought would be interested in it.

The hardest thing in the world is to find success without sacrificing your principles, so go in knowing it'll be painful, but thats what makes it so special, thats why so few people find it — it's a risky thing to attempt. But like all risky things, the trick is working on it: talking about success, thinking about how other people found it, thinking about what you care about and how that meshes up with how the world operates. The only way that we can make this hill less steep is by working together, and learning from each-other, even from the people you don't agree with. Business strategies are like game mechanics in that if you clone them you get a shitty version that doesn't really work, but if you understand them you can shape them however you want: famous, recluse, rich, sustainable, fans, culture, whatever.

Judging by his writing I'm pretty sure that Michael, like many of us, wants to have more people engage with his work, and he'd also like it to be a little more sustainable, theres nothing twisted or wrong about that.

Ben Serviss
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Wow, this article and the replies are probably some of the best content I've ever seen on Gamasutra.

Sustainability is definitely important, and while there may be a perceived surrendering of artistic integrity, there's really no capitulation to be made for the sake of artistic vision if developers make choices to make their games more accessible. At the same time, if one does hope to make enough money to continue making meaningful games like this, it helps to have an idea of how marketing works and can serve your game.

Case in point, Sophie Houlden's work. It's discouraging to hear that she only has a month or two of expenses considering her 1v1 dueling game There Shall Be Lancing is one of the best games I've played all year, is already aesthetically viable for a commercial release, yet is not available anywhere.

I can so easily see this being a runaway cult hit on XBLA (or PSN, Xbone, PS4, anything with two controllers with thumbsticks) that it pains me to see it remain outside of the public view. Hopefully there's a plan to bring a version to consoles in the works because - and this embodies some of the art vs. commercialization discussion here - it is a wonderful game that needs focused, intentional help in getting people to learn about it.

More on the game here for the curious:

Curtiss Murphy
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@Zach - Your response was deeply insightful!

"But the lesson I learned was subtle and I guess it doesn't translate clearly on the short-intonationless-twitter that we all rely on. SpellTower ... did well because I got better at communicating what I love to an audience that shares my interests. When people told me I would make money and would be successful, ... they told me that because they could see that I was driven to connect with people in that way....

And learning how to connect with people doesn't mean being obsessed with fame or being ultra rich, it means being realistic about how the world works and finding a way that fits with the way you work."


Powerful and personal words that struck me deeply. For years, I focused entirely on my skills - being the best at what I do. And as my skills improved, I began to realize that was not enough. And now I'm learning to see the world from my customer's eyes - finding the WHY, before I focus on the WHAT.

Robert Boyd
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Forgot where I saw it, but there was a great Venn diagram on this subject. One circle was "Games I want to Make" and the other circle was "Games People Will Be Willing to Pay Money For." Now if you just have one grand idea that you want to make and that's it, there's no guarantee that it'll fall in the middle, but if you're like most game designers, you have more ideas than you have time to make. It's possible to find a good balance.

scott anderson
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This is from Derek Yu's Make Games blog. (

Jennie Lees
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Having recently gone indie, I'd like to dig into some of the problems in this space.

Is it the age-old issue that brilliant artists don't always make things that appeal to (or are understood by) enough people to make a living?

Is it more that there are probably enough people out there who would pay for the game, but the game can't get to them and is lost among the dross of socially monetised match-3 clones?

Is it an issue of communication and community, outreach and openness? One can't just produce a finished work after a year of toiling away and expect "if you build it, they will come" these days.

One look at the movie and television worlds tells me that the hopes that the mass market will move away from temporary infusions of cheap pleasure are, unfortunately, ungrounded. There will always be big giants pumping out meaningless games and getting them in front of enough eyeballs to make an unfair fortune.

Yet I think there are sufficient people out there to support an artist creating something genuinely meaningful -- perhaps even during the development process. I'm just not sure how we can help knock holes in some of the barriers stopping that artist from making even enough money to pay their rent. And as someone just venturing into this territory, it's pretty scary to think that I'm effectively doomed before I begin. Wonder how many folks find this outweighs the impetus to go indie in the first place.

Christian Nutt
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"One look at the movie and television worlds" -- movies, maybe? But television? It's generally regarded that we've been in a dramatic renaissance for the last ... decade? I mean, yes, there's still The Bachelorette and god knows what else, but ... The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire?

I don't bring this up to say that you're wrong but more to point out, now that I think about it, that good and deep, shallow and cheap can exist simultaneously in the same medium and actually BOTH be successful. Which is something I think games can struggle with too.

Also, they can co-exist in the same PRODUCT. Like, RuPaul's Drag Race is trashy and stupid but incredible and meaningful ... it veers around. It's crazy. So good.

Daniel Cook
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Great comments.

I've been one to suggest sustainable development practices in the past so I appreciated this take on things. Indie game development more than than many forms of creation is haunted by the threat of not being able to continue making games due to financial constraints. There seems to be a scale to development where working full time is remarkably more productive than working part time (at least without destroying your health and all your relationships)

Game development without money has a cost. Over the years, dozens of people I've talked to burn out making games that don't make money. They experience depression, broken relationships and many leave their dream of making games behind.

The critic appears to care little for this human loss. If an artist dies in a fire, yet they end up making a work of profound aesthetic value to a small group of academics, their suffering is celebrated. After all, for the critic, the game developer's life is at best additional spice added to the story they tell of the final game. Given the choice between an artist living a life like Rubens or one like Van Gogh, you get the feeling that many would prefer the work of the sufferer because hey, more drama to mine for future essays.

I am not a critic. I am a game developer and I value the people making games. We are members of the same tribe and their pain is our shared pain. Much of the advice stems from thought: What if indies could keep making games in a sustainable fashion? What if they had enough money to eat? What if they had enough time to maintain a relationship? What if instead of 1-2 tenuous years of making games, they had a lifetime?

An observation about failure: In perhaps 1% of the cases, commercial failure is a conscious choice. For the rest it is a mix of A) undeveloped development skills and B) simple lack of knowledge of how to make a living off their work.

So developers try to spread knowledge about how to thrive while building the game you want. Sharing tools, ideas, concepts results in a small chance of either helping a talented dev make a living. Or giving them enough time to polish their skills as a developer.

To a large degree, this essay made me sad. It promotes a tired false art school dichotomy of "aesthetically meaningful" OR "commercially viable". What if even one developer listens to this poisonous mental model and then decides to ignore helpful advice about those scary topics like 'business' or 'distribution' or 'scope'? If that developer fails out of the game industry, it is a tragedy.

Elizabeth Ryerson
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actually, i AM a game developer (i have a game called "Problem Attic" that if you read a couple posts down in my blog, you'll find info about), a game composer (i did the music for Dys4ia), and a critic. and many of my friends are game developers, many of whom have had a lot of money struggles - hence what prompted me to write this article.

Tanya Short
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I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the article and the thoughtful comments. Much, much more interesting and worth debating than "What is a game?" and so on. Thanks, guys.

We could all sit around and say "Ho hum, everyone defines their own success, it's an individual decision, let's not debate what's best practices or good ethics for themselves." And then we'd all be able to smile and pat each other on the back. But our games and our culture would both suffer from the silence.

For my two cents, I... think not all games are "marketable", in the sense that not all games can be financially sustainable in the current games-for-customers model. Some extremely high-quality games that move us won't "monetise". And maybe they shouldn't. Does that mean those games should not be made? No. Does that something needs to support those games or else they will be made more rarely and/or only by the people who already have privilege of some kind? Yes.

Games-as-art are already rising to fill that void, culturally (from what I understand), though it's still typically folks of a certain class who get access to the levels of education that enable being a professional artisan (again, not an expert, but I don't think many people without art school degrees & connections get gallery showings at the MET/professorships at CalArts).

I just hope the two cultures don't become completely estranged. Like Zach Gage wrote above, I think it's a spectrum, and I like that right now, lots of developers are wandering back and forth between games where they are able to communicate their intent to more people ("more marketable") and games where they don't concern themselves with others at all ("arty"), and I think that's healthy and beautiful.

Sorry if I just wrote exactly what you did, Elizabeth, heh. I hope I can contribute even a tiny bit to the conversation.

Graham Luke
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Basically the role of an artist is to express and be heard. If you can't sell your game you can't make more. Take it up with God.

Slamming Blow etc. is uncalled for. Finding artistic integrity is a balance between producing work that reflects your ideals and producing work that reflects your practical ideals. You need to make money. Or people don't care.

Joseph Elliott
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It's true that you need to make money to survive in this (or any) industry, but even a brief glimpse into art history will tell you that you don't have to make money for people to care; they just might care years or decades after you die (presumably from having a shitty impoverished life). It's not a great scenario, but if every artist compromised in the way you're speaking of, we'd have a whole lot less great art.

It's up to every artist to decide on their own how they want to make their art, and that includes making decisions that will likely result in their not making much money.

Robert Green
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From the article:
"I strongly suspect that a small percentage of games in the App Store (things like Spelltower, Hundreds, or Canabalt by previously-mentioned devs) make a vast majority of the money, but without anything concrete to prove it..."

A survey released last December showed around 25 developers accounting for half of all app revenue on iTunes and Google Play. With the exception of Pandora, all of them were game devs.

Their survey only covered 20 days, but I don't see any reason why those days in November would be unusual. I would also assume that the trend isn't limited to just the very top apps either, and that the stores as a whole show a very large falloff, where those at the very top make an enormous amount of money, the ones near the top make a decent amount of money and the 99% below are making practically nothing. This is backed up by another survey last year showing that around 2/3 of the apps on iTunes were what they called 'app zombies', failing to generate enough downloads to even hold a position in the top 300 in any category in any country during a 7 day period last year.

Having said that, the idea that games like the ones you mentioned are the ones at the very top is somewhat naive. I doubt any paid app bar minecraft could claim that in the last couple of years.

Daniel Cook
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Games, like many entertainment markets, tend to follow power law distributions ( where a small number of titles make the majority of the money.

There have been a variety of attempts made to either changes this or adapt to it this across history:
- Amateur and Professional classes: Amateurs are hobbyists that sustain themselves through other work and create during their leisure time. Professionals are paid to full-time create popular works.
- King making: An intermediary class chooses amateurs and promotes them to professionals. In almost all cases the kingmaker or taste maker attempt to capture some piece of the revenue.
- Patronage: A living wage is provided as long as 1 rich person likes what you do.
- Government sponsorship: A minimum stipend for artist independent of the popularity of their work.

Games tend to have the first two and the later two are very rare. We have a strong professional culture, an emerging amateur culture and a large number of extraordinarily vicious shark-like kingmakers (publishers, platforms, etc)

Of these options, artists would generally prefer some form of minimum living stipend since that lets them make games without any concerns about sustainability. For most of us, this is a fantasy. Though it is surprising how many indies I meet have robust backing from families or previous investments. I always wonder if the support structure in Scandinavian countries is one key reason why there are so many successful Scandinavian indies. :-)

Given the entrenched structure of the market, much of the advice given to indies is best seen in the light of helping move them from amateur to entrepreneurial professional without their needing to become too beholden to the existing unpleasant kingmakers. What is the best possible path forward in a bad situation?

Admittedly, most informed advice is given with a melancholic sense of doom. Even for the most privileged of developers, reaching the rich tip of the power curve is nearly impossible. After about a decade of learning through failure, you may get to the point where execution, luck, distribution and timing all come together and pop up you up above zero for a few years.

Only a handful have the raw talent or diligence to achieve mastery. And a smaller number of those are willing to heed advice from stupid, lucky, non-representative successful developers. The preference is to learn on your own and carve your own path. The end result is a bit like fish spawning really. Except they are human beings bearing the scars of their life choices. :-(

I can understand why someone might not want to partake in the professional game developer system. There's perhaps another discussion here: Is life as a hobbyist game developer so bad?

Robert Green
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Of your four methods, the one I'm thinking about the most lately is #2, the kingmakers. Obviously the publishers and platform holders aren't interested in the best games as much as the games that will make them the most money. And, to bring this back to previous discussions about games-as-hobbies, any game which can inherently hold onto players for a long period of time can rely on some amount of word of mouth publicity.
The problem is for what I think you called media-centric games. At the $60 retail mark, you can probably rely on a lot of people checking reviews first, but when we're talking about the kind of games referenced above, you often have to go out of your way to find such things. You certainly aren't going to see them on TV and I don't think anyone would claim to be the Roger Ebert of indie games. To put it another way, the average gamer is unlikely to be exposed to any sort of kingmaker whose primary interest is in promoting the best games. And I think that's a problem most platform holders need to think about, because in the long run, establishing your platform as a place to find really high quality games might be more important than just highlighting the most profitable ones.

TC Weidner
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Great article but it comes back to the same age old problem facing any small business. ie Distribution ,Merchandising ( discover-ability), and marketing.

ex. Hell Subway is one of the largest sandwich shops and businesses period in the country, why??, in the suburbs here in Philly, I can name 5 small indie sub shops in every town way way way better than subway, so why does subway make so much money then?
The reason is consumers are lazy and easily conditioned, but expensive to reach. So those that can spend the money on distribution/merchandising/marketing will win the market share, every time.

A lot of time and money and effort is put in to make sure the playing field is not fair, and will never be fair. The whole business world has turned into one big tourist trap. I mean face it, we live in a world where its a multi billion dollar business putting tap water in plastic bottles and selling it for 5000% profit.

Ryan Watterson
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To be honest with you I am not convinced the market for these games exists (yet), and if it does it is extremely small and it definitely has little to no overlap with the characteristics of the mobile market at least as it currently stands. You touch on this in your piece by saying "his search for depth, both mechanical and aesthetic, certainly shows a much greater respect towards the works of very un-techie factions of the visual art and music world than his aesthetic's detractors' do." Who owns ipads and mobile devices? Well, the answer is techies.

Ouya has run into the same rabbit hole as well -- they took out a machine that's inherently weaker as a technical system than its competition on the value premise that it would be the place indies flocked to, and then marketed it predominantly through engadget and the internal gaming blogosphere -- a combination of singing to the choir and singing to a group that simply doesn't want to hear that racket. After all, the clamor for more high def graphics, perfect systems, etc, is coming from exactly those people.

To market a message of 'techie culture does not understand aesthetics the way musicians and visual artists do' to an embedded audience that is basically techies is more of a challenge to that audience than a marketing strategy. It's antagonistic. Sure they're not going to buy into your aesthetics before (as you're correct), but they're definitely not going to now. It's a bit of a waste of time. Say the same thing though, to musicians and visual artists and they may buy into it -- however, they won't play your game because they won't have the digital literacy to know about it, care about it, or complete it if they did somehow stumble upon it.

Similarly, when we are talking about audiences in this thread here, people are talking as though the 'mainstream' is those who bought into the current big indie games and that financial succes comes from pleasing this embedded audience. The mainstream does not know anything about games, especially not at this depth -- including the gaming mainstream, which is an ephemeral concept tied together by nothing really (do the call of duty fans have anything really in common with the rpg fans or either with the minecraft fans? Not really. The cross over is coincidence, they think they are tied together only because of the way word about games spreads -- what ties them together is nothing inherent, only that they have a level of exposure to the gaming media outlets that get the word out and by nature of their curation lump these things that, represented by their counterparts in the non-digital world i.e. military, anime, legos, are disparate special interests). The audience is built over time, deliberately, and has concrete and observable characteristics.

Games like Brough's and other deep, highly stylized games produced by a single author are slowly building a core audience of mostly a small sliver of those who have their finger on the pulse of game development at this esoteric depth: other developers, critics who've crossed into development, and critics. Even pleasing this audience, to buy into the dichotomy of integrity vs commercialism (I don't), requires bending over backwards for their strange and somewhat arbitrary ideals (like any group).

As far as taking Jonathan Blow's game suggestions, and I'm not bashing him at all here, what is really happening is you are getting closer to the formula that will capture the audience he's already captured. In other words, if he's making coke, and you're trying to make fruit juice, following his advice will not get you fruit juice, it will turn your product into coke. You need to find the fruit juice audience, which jblow hasn't found and neither has anyone else afaik. Which is a bit tough because game dev is so much work -- you don't have time to be in the audience building business, really. But building a new, separate independent audience is the answer.

The audience of independent games hasn't got much cross over with one another unless they are making similar products, just like the audience of high budget corporate games hasn't got much cross over with one another unless they're making similar products; and the audience for only a few formulas (which you define in your original piece in a quite fun and engaging way) has been found -- the rest may not be easy or even possible to 'find' and may need to be 'built'. They may or may not include anyone from San Francisco and the Silicon Valley tech crowd, even though they are the first to have made games independently and the first to have found an audience to serve them to.

Justin Sawchuk
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None of those games look appealing to me as a gamer or a developer. when you are you are making you game you have to consider whats going to sell and then do that, but if you dont there is a risk that there is no market for your game. there is a risk your game wont sell anyway, regardless. if it doesnt stand out from the crowd, no one cares (if you cant get the bloggers interested your done).

if you make a "hot game" a runner it wont sell because the market is already over-saturated with running games, add some sort of twist to your game, give it a unique style, and then it might not sell anyway. or you could do what you want, make the game you want how you want and not care about current trends but thats a risk - because maybe you designed it to appeal to no one or it was so niche thats not profitable especially in the mobile space where people except to pay less than a dollar for the game. if you got a niche product, then you should sell it on your website for $10 build up your audience over time.
