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Mental Floss15 Companies That Originally Sold Something Else Mental Floss

company in Connecticut in 1932. In the early days it was known as the Connecticut Leather Company, which was later shortened to "Coleco." Oddly, fellow defunct computer marketer Tandy was also originally a leather goods company; it switched to electronics

GamasutraGrunge, Grrrls and Video Games: Turning the dial for a more meaningful culture Gamasutra

home at all still felt new. Video games entered the home during the 80s, too. Because of my dad’s work, we got sent an Atari, a Coleco. We had a Commodore 64 and an Apple IIe, and shelves full of software we’d been sent by companies hoping my dad would write

The New York TimesThe Virtual World Welcomes Toy Players The New York Times

the toy industry the same way that plastics had 30 years earlier. The article barely differentiated the video games made by Atari, Coleco and others from the electronic toys made by Texas Instruments and Milton Bradley, including the once-omnipresent color-coded

The Star-GazetteNews: Burt Hesselson dies at 88 The Star-Gazette

pool season. He started the store as an Army and Navy store and sold clothing, then he got into gun sales and partnered with Coleco to sell toys, said Tom Witzel, manager of the Elmira Heights store. Burt was friends with the founder of Coleco and they used

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