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Serial public art around the world

Serial public art around the world Public art exhibitions featuring a common sculpture that is multiplied and then embellished by various artists have been popping up in cities worldwide since 1998. Artistic director Walter Knapp first came up with the idea and convinced artists to dot Zurich, Switzerland ...

Trade Mocked

Trade Mocked You were a cheerleader, you dated a cheerleader, or you hated the cheerleaders. As I recall, that's how high school worked. Thanks to travel PR, that same primeval paradigm lives on long after graduation. That miniskirts-shouting-slogans thing still works, whether you're ...

Dubai no longer owns the top floor of their tallest building

Dubai no longer owns the top floor of their tallest building Due to the new vertical regulations passed last week, it has been determined that Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, has at least one floor higher than the country's vertical boundaries. The building stands at approximately 2,625 feet. Last week's ...

Galley Gossip: Flight attendant is sent to prison for sexy texting

Galley Gossip: Flight attendant is sent to prison for sexy texting Recently someone said to me, "I travel on international flights all the time to visit family and I've noticed that the women who work for the airlines are getting older. Is this okay?" Is this okay? Is this okay! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or throw whatever was in ...

British couple in Dubai faces jail time for kissing

British couple in Dubai faces jail time for kissing PDAs (Public Displays of Affection) can make some people a little uncomfortable, but in Dubai, they'll send you to jail. Until recently, Dubai was booming. Tourism and business travel were growing at at an exponential rate, and Dubai became a household name-destination ...

The Burj Dubai is now open!

The Burj Dubai is now open! Looking for new ways to get high? Skip the local street dealer, and book your flight to Dubai. Today, the Burj Dubai is open to the public, and the views from its 124th floor observation deck can't be beat. Now the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai captures the spirit ...

Galley Gossip: Airline uniforms (plus a chance to win free tickets on Olympic Airlines)

Galley Gossip:  Airline uniforms (plus a chance to win free tickets on Olympic Airlines) Just like Cliff Muskiet, the uniform freak, I have a thing for airline uniforms. I think most flight attendants do. In fact, inside my guestroom closet hangs three different uniform styles from two different airlines. I've saved it all - the pants, the skirts, the dresses, ...

Irishman Runs Seven Marathons on Seven Continents, in Six Days

Irishman Runs Seven Marathons on Seven Continents, in Six Days Irish endurance runner Richard Donovan completed an impressive series of runs a few days back when he completed his seventh marathon in just six days. Even more impressive than that however, is that each of those marathons was run on a different continent. The World Marathon ...

Airbus wins bet, makes president less of a loser

Airbus wins bet, makes president less of a loser When your reputation is so bad that you have to make a bet that you'll meet production targets, as Airbus President Tom Enders did, you need to realize that your victory would be break-even for anyone else. The man with the poor track record scored a bottle of champagne by ...

Burj Dubai: why does it have to go so high!?

Burj Dubai: why does it have to go so high!? Dubai is all about being the best, biggest, richest, poshest, greatest, hottest and having the longest, widest, highest, gaudiest, craziest...the list is endless. When I lived there, when we read the news on these new and upcoming 'superlative' projects, we would joke about ...

GADLING'S TAKE FIVE: Week of December 24

GADLING'S TAKE FIVE: Week of December 24 Before you start rattling off with excuses about how the family was visiting from Buffalo or how you got tied up under the mistletoe, please do me one small favor. Spare the sob story. I don't care why you couldn't get here or what could have been more important than getting ...

Emirates Airlines to Allow Cell Phone Talk on Flights

Emirates Airlines to Allow Cell Phone Talk on Flights Here is a story that leaves me middle of the road. As much as I enjoy my own cell phone bicker-babble to my home girl Becky about last night's victory in Taboo over cheese and wine I can honestly say if some stranger on the street were having a similar chat with their loved ...

Link Traveling to Dubai

Link Traveling to Dubai Everywhere I click on the web it seems I keep seeing Dubai, Dubai, and Dubai. Is now the time to go or what? I feel as though I'm missing out on something BIG here and the chances of me jetting over in the near future are very slim. Yes, pity me, please. Anyhow I thought I ...

Dubai International Film Festival

Dubai International Film Festival While I'm in Persian Gulf I thougt I might as well mention the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) taking place December 10-17, 2006. According to their news ticker the red carpet promises some of Hollywood, Bollywood, and the Arab worlds (Arab-wood?) hottest stars from ...

Marathon Tours

Marathon Tours Only 17 days remain between now and the moment in which I'll run my first 26.2 mile full marathon in Detroit. Am I excited? Heck yeah, you bet I am. And you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you this, but I despise running. I hate the high impact and grueling feeling it ...

A Ski Resort Rises from the Sands

A Ski Resort Rises from the Sands Here's something which will make your either shake your head or pack your skis. There's a place in the Dubai desert where you will soon be able to seek indoor skiing. Called Ski Dubai, this 25-story mountain-themed resort is set to open this September, according to ...

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