Technologies: Air Marshal / WIPS

  • Air Marshal: real-time detection and containment
  • Heuristic threat classification engine
  • Intuitive remediation with customizable alarms

Air Marshal is Cisco Meraki's wireless intrusion prevention (WIPS) solution. Integrated into every Cisco Meraki access point and centrally managed from the cloud, Air Marshal detects and neutralizes wireless threats, delivering state of the art protection to the most security conscious distributed networks.

Wireless network Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Air Marshal: real-time detection and containment

APs configured in Air Marshal mode scan their environment in real-time and take preemptive action based on intuitive user-defined preferences. Air Marshal triggers alarms and automatically contains malicious rogue APs. Intuitive cloud based management with flexible remediation policies makes Air Marshal ideal for security-conscious distributed networks.

Heuristic threat classification engine

Air Marshal comes equipped with an intelligent cloud-based heuristics engine, designed to detect and advise on the most sophisticated attacks. APs will monitor management frames and inspect wireless traffic such as probe requests and disassociation packets to identify deviation from normal behavior. Attack profiles are organized into categories such as rogue SSIDs, AP spoofs, and packet floods, facilitating rapid classification and response by a network administrator.

Intuitive remediation with customizable alarms

Once identified, rogue APs can be contained through built-in techniques that deauthenticate clients and render the rogue AP ineffective. Air Marshal can auto-contain APs spoofing your network’s SSID, ensuring your employees and customers are not lured into connecting to a malicious rogue device.

Administrators may be immediately notified of potential wireless threats with highly customizable real time alerts. Alerts may be enabled for a variety of threat categories, and are delivered via email or SMS.