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Andrew Mccartney's profile photoMazked Marauder's profile photoBenjamin Crookes's profile photoKev Hulse's profile photo
I think a bigfoot was holding the camera as well!
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There's hundreds of reporters, photographers and camera operators outside St Mary's Hospital, London, waiting for the arrival of the royal baby. 

And it turns out they might be in the wrong place. 
mark solveland's profile photoCarole Scates's profile photoAdam Alexander's profile photoJo Jones's profile photo
Hope it's ginger
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Watch: Ex-Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins riles Holly Willoughby by suggesting that children with ‘intelligent’ names were more likely to be ‘better playdates’.

Hopkins admitted she had no time for ‘the Tylers, the Charmaines, the Chantelles, the Chardonnays,’ adding: ‘A name for me is an efficient way of working out what class a child comes from, and do I want my child to play with them.' 
Gaetan Fryer's profile photoJames Hammond's profile photoMitch Day's profile photoBryan Scott's profile photo
What a fuking toffy nose bitch
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Selfless mother gives up job to raise best friend's two children after they lost both parents within three years: 
EMMANUEL IBE's profile photoLara Dias's profile photopatrick kanne's profile photoSteve Jones's profile photo
Super mum. Kudos!
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Video: Office employee in Japan disposes of 40 litres of soap powder down the sink; huge bubbles rise from the sewers outside and turn the street into a massive bubble bath 
shinde vishvanath's profile photoAntony Jackson's profile photo
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Pope Francis tells journalists: ‘If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?’
Michael Thornton's profile photoPeter G Millington-Wallace's profile photoCROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS, LLC's profile photo
A Pope of the people for the people, a humble servant of the Catholic faith- if I were not such a cynical lapsed Catholic I would welcome him with open arms.
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'After entering the restroom, the women noticed the man looking up at them from inside the toilet, covered in excrement.'
John Hamilton's profile photoSteve Thomas's profile photokaren love's profile photoPeter G Millington-Wallace's profile photo
They should let the woman sort him out and im sure when there are finished he would not be able to do it again
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Lee Osborne's profile photoAmit Lumbar's profile photoMiles R. Young's profile photo
Unlucky I fell into a stinkhole once as we'll it was nasty 
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Wales will become the first country in the United Kingdom to have a 'presumed consent' organ donation system.

Ministers hope the new system will drive up transplantation rates by 25% but some religious leaders have likened the plans to a ‘conscription’ system. What do you think? 
Michael Thornton's profile photoDarren Mansell's profile photoOlly S's profile photoJames Bevan's profile photo
Did you read my post? I AGREE AND SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION. I was a blood donor and on the bone marrow donors register until my age/health dictated otherwise.

My concern is that this, as with most government reforms, will be badly implemented, poorly managed and disregard those who do not fare so well in life.

Would you be happy to accept an organ if it was from a vulnerable person who had not been able to comprehend their options?

This action completely undermines the ethos of donorship that is a 'gift freely given'.

Many European countries have a form of "presumed consent" or "opt out" system. In some countries, such as Austria, this applies even if relatives know that the deceased would object to donation but had failed to register during life. Are we so selfish that our right to life supercedes all else? That we would cause possible unspeakable torment to families who's children/siblings/parents had, for whatever reason, not opted out?

I personally do not consider my presence on this planet to be so important as to accept an organ that is not 'freely given'

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John Brewer's profile photoPeter G Millington-Wallace's profile photo
'Smashes' means smashes a window because his tusk catches it.
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