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Splinter Cell Blacklist: 8-minute video shows multiplayer

Here's Spies vs. Mercs from the perspective of a Spy

This eight-minute Splinter Cell Blacklist gameplay video focuses on the game's Spies vs. Mercs multiplayer mode.

Community developer Zack Cooper and level design director Geoff Ellenor show off the mode from the perspective of a Spy, offering tips and tactics along the way.

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Ubisoft has confirmed a Splinter Cell: Blacklist release date of August 20 in North America, August 22 in EMEA territories and August 23 in the UK.

Earlier this month we published a new Splinter Cell Blacklist preview, in which we said: "There's a lot of Chaos Theory in Blacklist, reintroducing as it does moveable bodies, multi-route levels and adversarial multiplayer.

"Unlike the Splinter Cell's of old, however, that playstyle doesn't inform the whole game. Some missions see you steadily creep through a darkened dock like old Sam, while some let you rampage through a Middle-Eastern village in broad daylight. Crucially, both Sam's feel true to Splinter Cell."
