

880+ sites across the country of trusted neighborly news

Patch is more than local coverage, it’s a constant conversation among citizens within town.

About our audience:

Patch audience is a powerful and growing group of neighbors, parents and citizens

  • 12.2MM monthly UVs
  • 3.2 visits per visitor each month—66% more visits per visitor than the competition
  • Patch covers 10% of the US population and 29% of the total US retail spend power
  • Patch’s Quarter-over-quarter UV growth is one of the highest in the local/regional category
  • Patch editors contribute 25K+ local volunteer hours per year
Our content: 

Patch's 1:1 editor to town ratio ensures authentic and accurate local coverage:

  • 880+ sites cover 1,000+ towns
  • 1,000+ local editors
  • 23K+ local bloggers
  • Patch readers contribute 1.3M+ pieces of content each month
  • A new piece of content is created every 9 seconds

Sources: US Census data. ComScore Media Metrix March 2012; AOL Internal Data; Nielsen @Plan Rel. 4, 2012
