Neutral monsters
Theme: creatures (robots, monsters, aliens)

Alternate name: Friendly monsters
Player encounters creatures ("enemies") that one would normally expect to attack the player character outright, but these do not. Instead, they might even talk to you and leave you alone.
There are 52 video games about Neutral monsters. The first was released in 1992.
Bethesda Softworks, Interplay and Electronic Arts has published most of these games.

Despite the name, this tag is not limited to characters/creatures that are monstrous in appearance or mentality. Anything that fits the assumption that they must be hostile towards you are eligible.

This does not include temporary neutrality nor neutrality that you can't avoid disrupting.

Player may "accidentally" attack and kill these due to appearing like regular opponents from a distance.
Sanguine # 2010-04-16 03:17:48

Most popular Neutral monsters games

By platform 

Windows 21
Mac 7
PS2 4
X360 4
PS3 3
Linux/Unix 3
GameCube 2
Xbox 2
BeOS 1
PS 1

By year

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