it's Siri here.


I’d like to ask you a few questions,
if you don’t mind.

  • This is a non-commercial university research looking into how people actually use voice driven user interfaces and what they think about them.
  • Please...
    ...contribute only if you have iPhone 4S.
    ...be as honest and accurate as possible.
    ...help us by sharing and blogging about it.

Choose the right option
on the iPhone and click the Siri button...

Tell your friends Siri loves them...



How long have you been using the iPhone 4S?

How often do you use Siri?

Do you use Siri to...

make calls
send texts
send emails
find places on map
get weather info
get contact info

Do you use Siri to...

find info on web
play music
set calendar event
set alarm
set reminder
take notes

Why do you use Siri for certain tasks?

(you can choose several)

How often does Siri misunderstand you?

When misunderstood by Siri, you usually...

(you can choose several)

What mostly causes misunderstandings with Siri?

(you can choose several)

Have you had language related issues with Siri?

Do you correct Siri's output?

(e.g. mispelled text, names in calendar...)

Has Siri ever caused you a problem?

(e.g. misaddresed email, misscheduled appointment)

Does the situation influence whether you use Siri?

(e.g. you might never use it on a bus)

In situations you can't use Siri, you usually ...

(e.g. no internet connection)

In situations you perhaps shouldn't use Siri, you usually ...

(e.g. theathre, meeting, wedding ceremony...)

How do you feel when using Siri in front of unknown people?

How do you usually use Siri?

Once you open Siri, you usually...

Formulating queries for Siri...

Siri's answers are...

Regarding ease of use, Siri is...

The visual display of Siri's answers is...

How would you describe Siri's personality?

(you can choose several)

Have you tried to use Siri?

Did language issues influence your Siri use?

(e.g. pronunciation of names)

Did your environment influence your Siri use?

(e.g. noisy workplace)

What were the reasons for not using Siri?

(you can choose several)

Have you been misunderstood by Siri?

Has Siri ever caused you a problem?

(e.g. misaddresed email, misscheduled appointment)

Are Siri services limited in your country?

Would you use Siri in different circumstances?

(e.g. if you spent more time in a different environment)

Are there any other reasons you don't use Siri?

  • Graph updated on 10th July 2012
  • Preliminary data from 659 responses
  • Static image available
  • Free use with attribution to beSirious.com
  • Graph updated on 10th July 2012
  • Preliminary data from 369 responses
  • Static image available
  • Free use with attribution to beSirious.com