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Batman: Arkham Origins Deathstroke DLC confirmed for Wii U

Warner Bros. not leaving Nintendo fans out

Warner Bros. Interactive has confirmed that the Deathstroke pre-order DLC for Batman: Arkham Origins will be coming to the Wii U.


Given the relative lack of Wii U DLC support compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3, missing out on the Deathstroke pre-order DLC for Batman: Arkham Origins seemed a likely outcome for Nintendo gamers. However, Aussie-Gamer has reported a confirmation from Warner Bros. Interactive that the Deathstroke DLC will be available for Wii U.

The DLC, free with pre-orders of the game, includes Deathstroke as a playable character in challenge mode, two Deathstroke player skins, and two extra challenge maps.

Batman: Arkham Origins is set for a worldwide release of October 25 on PC, Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U. A handheld version for 3DS and Vita, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, will launch alongside the home console title.
