Woman killed by her own car in 'bizarre' Vancouver accident


It's believed she was trapped for "quite some time," possibly several hours

Woman killed by her own car in 'bizarre' Vancouver accident

A woman was left pinned under her car for hours in a fatal accident police called "bizarre."

VANCOUVER -- A woman was left pinned under her car for hours in a fatal accident police called "bizarre."

On Friday around 1:30 p.m., residents alerted Vancouver Police their neighbour was in distress on east 13th Avenue near Commercial Drive.

The woman had been loading or unloading her car with dogs and other cargo when the car slipped out of gear and began to roll backward down a sloped driveway.

She wasn't able to get out of the way, said spokesman Const. Brian Montague.

"She had a handicap placard in her window. We're not sure about the nature of her handicap."

It's believed she was trapped for "quite some time," possibly several hours before her neighbours noticed the car parked unusually, Montague said.

No names have been released.

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