
  1. I'd like to see more women involved in bitcoin, what ideas do you guys have to help make that happen?

  2. Damn, so much for that. RT : VamptVo its not creepy. its self serious and kinda pervy. dissapointing, since i really like FoE.

  3. That's the only reason I didn't go. I imagine there are a lot of people in my situation.

  4. The main character is a TRANSFER STUDENT? With an ATTITUDE? What a rip-off.

  5. I don't think it counts when every "plagiarised" element is an extreme anime cliche

  6. Interest: Mangaka Suggests Kill la Kill May Be Plagiarized • artist Hiroyuki Ooshima accuses Kill la Kill of …

  7. Still need to buy my plane ticket and schedule time off from work (whoops), but yeah.

  8. I'll likely bring some stuff up in Kill la Kill, but it's not a focus. Mostly about career of the studio and its employees.

  9. Feminist anime fan friends! Is making a panel about Studio Trigger called "Trigger Warning" (w/ a subtitle) offensive? The pun is tempting.

  10. Watched Trigun: Badlands Rumble tonight. That sure was a regular episode of Trigun, with all the good and bad that comes with it.

  11. manhattan fog makes it look like the buildings 2 blocks away haven't loaded yet

  12. "The main character is a bad man, so, you see… it's a critique. We're CONDEMNING violence. The weapons are really fun though."

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