Scientific Advisory Board

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board in April 2012.

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is a subsidiary body of the OPCW established in accordance with the CWC to enable the Director-General to render specialised advice in science and technology to Member States.

The SAB is made up of 25 independent experts from OPCW Member States. Each SAB member can serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms of office. The chair and vice-chair of the SAB are elected annually. The SAB held its first meeting in 1998 and generally meets twice per year.

The SAB can also establish Temporary Working Groups (TWGs) on specific issues. There are three TWGs operating currently:

  • sampling and analysis;
  • convergence of chemistry and biology;
  • education and outreach.

The SAB reports to the Director-General, who then submits its reports, alongside his own response, to the EC. Every five years, the SAB prepares a larger report for submission to the review conference.

Current composition
A list of current members and short biographical notes.
Terms of Reference
Defines the parameters of the SAB.
Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure for the Scientific Advisory Board and Temporary Working Groups of Scientific Experts
Reports, Conference decisions, and other documents related to the SAB's work.
