David Hunter: Words from sponsors can stick with viewers

David Hunter

Memorable commercials and memorable characters take root in our minds and remain for years and years.

It was 1984 in a Wendy’s commercial when actress Clara Peller, then 81, first uttered the phrase, “Where’s the beef?” From 1964 to 1985, in a commercial for toilet paper, a fictional grocer named Mr. Whipple, played by actor Dick Wilson, admonished customers with a phrase that caught and kept the imagination of America for years: “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin!”

Many, if not most, of these commercials began as a concept in the mind of a specialist, once commonly called an “Ad Man,” either employed by an advertising agency or working as a freelancer. The term originated in a time before politically correct speech was in vogue, and there are many successful women involved in advertising today.

The television series called “Mad Men,” set in New York City during the 1960s, is a take-off on the term Ad Men. Members of almost every profession today can point to a television series about the work they do — everything from alligator hunters to truck drivers. “Mad Men” has a loyal following among those who write things that may eventually affect millions of people.

It just so happens that I know a couple of guys who have been in the business for a long time and occasionally swap stories with them over coffee. Wayne Bowman and Dick Harris, who now reside here in Knoxville, have been coming up with concepts and slogans for many years, often as free-lancers. Bowman has pursued his career pretty much since his graduation from Western Carolina University.

Harris, who started in the Big Apple — long before he was old enough to vote — recently published a book called “Two Fast Fingers & 26 Keys,” about his long career in the advertising business. He subtitled the book as “How a wannabe writer with minor talent, major guile and monumental luck weasels his way into a career at the keyboard.” He is being overly modest. In a profession that can introduce new catchphrases to the language overnight, he has done well.

For the first eight years of my life, I listened to radio jingles such as “You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent” and “Tide’s in, dirt’s out.”

After the radio ceased to be the center of the entertainment universe, I switched to television and such commercials as “Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should,” and watched the Cheerio Kid as he was “Feeling his Cheerios.” Who knows how many times I saw Charlie the Tuna turned down by Starkist because he didn’t make the grade? We early baby boomers even knew that more doctors smoked Camel cigarettes “than any other brand,” and we certainly knew to “Say Pepsi please.” As the first generation of children to grow up with television, we were bombarded with ads meant to sell us something.

We survived, though, despite the fears of our parents that television was “ruining us,” just as our children survived video games and our grandchildren will survive whatever comes along. We are an adaptable species, which is why we are still around, and advertising keeps the wheels of commerce turning.

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Comments » 14

hystericalsociety writes:

"Oh, you never will believe where those Keebler cookies come from!

They're baked by little elves in a hollow tree!

And what do you think makes those cookies uncommon?

They're baked in magic ovens and there's no factory!"


Thanks, David!

tvboss writes:

"N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestles has the very best...CHOCOLATE"

ccjs writes:

Many commercials used to be catchy, funny and memorable. Many now are just plain obnoxious. I could scream every time I hear Flo, the Progressive insurance woman, and trying to sell M&M's with sexual innuendo is silly if not plain disgusting.

ccjs writes:

Don't forget Mr. Whipple and "Please don't squeeze the Charmin."

ccjs writes:

Wassup? (Budweiser)

leon writes:

In all honesty, I think that the jury has not returned yet on whether television has "ruined us".

hystericalsociety writes:

in response to leon:

In all honesty, I think that the jury has not returned yet on whether television has "ruined us".

Agree. The jury's still out. Depends in great part in what you watch and how much of it.

I'm not into "reality TV". I get quite enough "reality" in my every-day life, thank you! I don't watch any sort of "court TV", because I already know that criminals and ne'er-do-wells are stupid. I don't watch soap operas, because if I want a juicy thrill, books are much better. I'm not inclined to watch any kind of sports at all. I think all teen-age vampires should be rounded up and deported.

I will admit to a severe BBC addiction. I try to control it, but anyone disturbing me during "Downton Abbey" or just about anything else on "Masterpiece Theatre" is probably going to draw back a nub! ;-)

Ed_Hominem writes:

I thought "Mad Men" was a play off of Madison Avenue where ad men work and play.

Moondancer writes:

"Do YOU use Dial? Don't you wish everyone did?"

hystericalsociety writes:

in response to Moondancer:

"Do YOU use Dial? Don't you wish everyone did?"

"Only her hairdresser knows for sure..."


"A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine!"

GoodGriefTN writes:

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature! - Chiffon

A little dab will do ya! - Brylcreem

You only go around once in life, so go for the gusto! - Schlitz

GoodGriefTN writes:

in response to leon:

In all honesty, I think that the jury has not returned yet on whether television has "ruined us".

A minnow is a very small bait fish, but the TV boat was actually named for Newton Minow, who Gilligan's Island executive producer Sherwood Schwartz believed "ruined television". Minow was chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1961, and is noted for a speech in which he called American television "a vast wasteland".

As stated above, the jury is still out. However, it may be TV that is on the way out. A lot of the shows on anymore are just stupid people acting stupid. And the viewers of those shows.....birds of a feather.

rab63 writes:

Have you ever watched a commercial, and when it was over you didn't have any idea what they were selling?

hystericalsociety writes:

in response to rab63:

Have you ever watched a commercial, and when it was over you didn't have any idea what they were selling?

Well, yes. But you're supposed to jot down the name of the drug or product and ask your doctor if you might benefit from it. Never mind what it is for- you just might need it. There's always lots of stuff advertised on TV which you didn't know you needed until you saw it on TV!

Or call the toll-free number on your TV screen, or go to the website at the bottom of the screen to check out the "mystery product".

You might discover that the product is intended for someone you are not... For instance, if it turns out to be birth control pills being advertised, and you are a man, then you probably shouldn't ask your doctor about it. (Unless you really want to- in which case, you just go right ahead and do it!)

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