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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Ep. 1&2, Sonic CD bound for Ouya

Sega lines up three Sonic titles for release in June

Sega will release three key Sonic the Hedgehog games on Ouya later this month.

On June 27, the Android-powered console will get Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I and Episode 2, and Sonic CD.

As will all games on Ouya, free demos will be available for all three titles, which are straight ports of prior versions newly optimised for Ouya's Tegra 3 processor.

Along with console and PC releases, all three titles have previously graced iOS and Android devices.

The Ouya versions will cost $6.99 each, which is in some cases more than three times their cost on iOS (for example, Sonic the Hedgehog: Episode I is $1.99 on Apple's platform).

Ouya founder Julie Uhrman told Gamesindustry, "Sega is an example of the types of developers that are coming to Ouya. We've always said that because Ouya is open, we lower the barriers for any type of developer, whether it's AAA or a newcomer."

Sega of America director of mobile business David Zemke commented, "For us, there were a couple of things that were exciting about Ouya. One is obviously that it's a great gaming platform on a new device.

"It's disruptive technology, right?" he went on. "It's fun to see what these technologies can do and be a part of it from the beginning. For those two reasons alone, we've looked at it as yet another reason to bring some great Sega content to a whole new audience."

Zemke went on to confirm that these three titles are the only ones currently planned in Sega's partnership with Ouya."At this time, that's what we have planned," he said. "We're always looking for other titles and there may be some future titles that we'd like to bring over."
