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Ask CVG Anything: Are pre-owned fees fair? What next for Wii U?

Plus: What the deuce is Tamoor doing in the profile photo?

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Do you guys honestly believe that developers and publishers deserve a second piece of the pie for second-hand games? - TerrorK

Rob: I think second hand games seem like a completely fair deal to the consumer (why wouldn't you want to pay less for something that isn't as new?), but unfortunately it does hurt the games industry.

The problem is that retailers are aggressive when it comes to the second-hand business. Sometimes they'll make major promotions of new game trade-ins just days after their release - this is clearly damaging the industry.

It's not helpful to compare the games business with films or any other in this case - the markets are completely different and that only confuses the issue.

The central problem is that the games industry is already having problems with generating profit - because triple-A titles are too expensive and are becoming financially uneconomical. Pre-owned games worsen this issue significantly.

I'm not saying people who buy pre-owned games are immoral (because it completely makes sense to the consumer), but pre-owned is a business that travels along that economic chain and genuinely hurts developers and publishers.

But here's the thing: Retailers are dying out, digital will take over and it's likely that the pre-owned market will naturally die on its arse anyway. Quite why Microsoft is interfering this late in the day is bizarre.

Tamoor: Bro... pie is so good. I really like apple pie. Everyone should have some pie. It doesn't have to be apple pie bro, it can be raspberry pie. Raspberry is a proper funny word. Rasp. Berry.

Who gets to pick which one of you gets to visit the console reveals and shows like E3. Does the boss just say he'll go all the time or are they passed around fairly between you all? And do you secretly resent whoever goes to the good ones? - ElMag

Rob: Often it's the editor Andy who goes to E3 and the console reveals, and of course it's both completely understandable and mercilessly painful at the same time. Me and Tamoor go to other events - most previews or interviews you see come from us going to different places and talking to loads of interesting people.

Tamoor: Whoever man, the important thing is that we go innit. Because then we can write about the stuffs, and you can read about the stuffs, and then we can talk about the stuffs together. Right?

Peter Molyneux: twerp, genius, or has-been? - Balladeer

Rob: A lovely person who has your attention!

Tamoor: I like it when he gives me Werther's Originals. He's so great. I miss him.

Is all this outrage about pre owned blocks and restrictions irrelevant due to console gaming becoming more download centric? -Fanboy

Rob: Great observation and yeah you're absolutely correct. We will naturally adopt always online tech and eventually the pre-owned market will die too. But only when it feels right for most people and when we're ready. The outrage is due to Microsoft trying to dictate habits when really it should still be following them.

Tamoor: Hey man, you know what? Irrelevant is such a bad word, you know? Why don't we just, like, work together to make things relevant, instead of irrelevant. Let's make irrelevant, irrelevant, man. Let's just do it. Yeah.

What do you think is going to happen to WiiU, sales-wise, when PS4 and Xbox One are launched? Aside from the usual Nintendo hardcore, can you honestly recommend a WiiU above the upcoming next gen systems? - shellster2

Rob: Honestly I don't think the PS4 or Xbox One are competing for the same audience as Nintendo. Of the 20 million people who bought the GameCube, most of them are crazy for Zelda and Metroid - they'll buy a Wii U eventually.

That other 80 million that bought a Wii? Those expanded casual and non-gamers? Well, if they don't buy a Wii U there's little chance they'll buy any other console. They're really not that bothered.

I think Nintendo is entering a painful transition where it's returning to its core. Games like Wii Fit U and other casual stuff will be super interesting to watch - if that silent casual market still exists, if that giant oil well can still be tapped, then Wii Fit U will show it.

If not, well then 20 million lifetime sales is a fair target.

Tamoor: Nintendo need to make more games with mushrooms, people are always happy when they can eat mushrooms in their games. Shrooms are good man, they keep you good. You get me?

Since the site revamp you've all had new profile pictures at the bottom of your stories, and all look smashing by the way. But what was somebody doing behind the camera when Tamoor had his taken? Because he looks really disgusted yet intrigued with whatever it was. - El Mag

Rob: He was high. He's always high :(

Tamoor: Hey man, it's all goooooooooooooooooooosssseee.
