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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Hayter

Will Snake's long-serving voice actor make his big comeback at E3?

Will David Hayter be the voice of Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? After reading his moving farewell letter to fans, we were pretty convinced he wouldn't.

However, some die-hard fans are speculating that Hayter's departure is another case of cooky ol' Kojima getting up to his shenanigans again. Some still insist that Hayter will be the big MGS5 reveal at E3 in a couple of weeks.

Well, now there's a few things that suggest they may be right...

First, Konami's official account tweets this:

And then, Hayter tweets:

In the world of Metal Gear, nothing is a coincidence, but then again this is the real world so I'm not sure what to think. What do you reckon? Will Hayter be the voice behind Snake?
