22Apr 2013

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Xbox 360 Review

The oddball RPG has sold its soul for more Souls

Whatever else you might like to say about it, Dragon's Dogma was very much its own game. An Eastern take on Western fantasy RPGs, the resulting title resembled a particularly sticky wall after an idea-throwing jamboree. Tactile battle systems, graphical problems, an unexpectedly deep storyline, terrible traversal and Pawns, the brilliant asymmetric multiplayer solution, all shoved at each other to earn the player's attention. And it worked - we still haven't played anything quite like it.

Which makes it doubly strange that the new portions in Dark Arisen - the full version of the original game is included here - amount to what appears to be an amazingly competent Dark Souls mod.

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Far from the continent of Gransys' rolling wilderness, new area Bitterblack Isle is an altogether different environment, rich with interlocking, corpse-strewn warrens, battle-scarred courtyards and all the trappings of a fantasy fortress gone terribly to seed. From a gameplay perspective, it takes the intricately crafted level design of the Souls series and infuses it with a threat offered only sporadically in the main game - darkness. Dragon's Dogma made the night a scary time. Monsters were tougher, visibility was drastically lower - you were going to die, so you rested and waited for dawn. On Bitterblack, it's always night.

Appropriately, that threat's matched in execution. Dark Arisen's most notable for its difficulty - we were told not to attempt it unless we were Level 50, but our Level 75 Sorcerer met his match many times over. Bosses are thrown at you with abandon, appearing out of nowhere and forcing you to create new tactics on the fly. They're a newly varied bunch too, with everything from a troll with a bright pink baboon-arse weak point to Death itself, a mix of the original's incrementally-defeated Ur-Dragon and the constant threat of Pyramid Head rendered in 20ft-tall, scythe wielding form.

What we're saying is it's really bloody hard, and the almost objective-less nature of your quest on the Isle, pieced together by finding literal fragments of story during your travails, makes it an even longer experience than it might have been. Xbox Live interaction remains much as before - sidekick Pawns are sent to other players by way of Rift Stones to earn and learn. That said, with 100 new items there's more to equip them with before handing over control.

A mysterious bonus disc includes a high-res texture pack and Japanese voice track installation. It's not all gravy - the former causes a few more framerate issues than it should, and the second means you'll never hear the wonderful word "aught" again. Choose wisely.

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Given that this is a boxed release, seasoned veterans will need to decide whether they value even this much new content at such a price. Transferable save games, unlimited fast travel access and 100,000 rift crystals to spend might help swing the deal. For those on the fence however, the full game with hours of new content should be all you need to hop off. We wouldn't be surprised if this is the best budget release all year.

By Adam Glick

The OXM verdict

  • New approach to a unique game
  • A genuine challenge for veterans
  • An amazing deal for newbies
  • Expensive for repeat players
  • Original's problems still unchanged
The score

New island, new challenges, new content, still insane

Xbox 360
Action, Role Playing, Sim / Strategy


15 comments so far...

  1. Some sources are saying that the standard textures in Dark Arisen have been reduced in quality (from DD) so that the whole thing fits on an xbox disc .. and that the "texture pack" is just the old textures for a HDD install..

    Or are they actually better..?

    Can OXBM confirm or deny this?

  2. I'll give our reviewer a shout and ask. Or alternatively, fire up a retail copy of the game itself as and when we get one in the office.

  3. Can OXBM confirm or deny this?

    Official Xbox Bastard Matt left I'm afraid. :twisted:

  4. I shall strive and inevitably fail to do a Man's Work in his stead.

  5. I shall strive and inevitably fail to do a Man's Work in his stead.

    Is there aught else you can do sir? :wink:

  6. An 8?!?! Oh jesus, now i'm not sure what to do with my £13 pre-order!? If im forking out that much i expected at least a ten - how bloody dare they...!?

    I'd be interested in a texture compare too please Ed, is without the extra bit as good as the first game etc - if so they were perfectly fine, and i've got no interest in making things shinier just to cause the frame rate to go crazy as i'm about to drop-kick Death back to Doncaster*!

    *I've never been to Doncaster so if you're offended, don't be, or please jog-on - i picked the location purely on the basis of it's fantastic alliteration potential, nothing more, nothing less. Think of it as bonus advertising for the place you seem to hold so dear

  7. Chievos or not?

  8. An 8?!?! Oh jesus, now i'm not sure what to do with my £13 pre-order!? If im forking out that much i expected at least a ten - how bloody dare they...!?


    Pre-ordering for £13.62 means if the DLC would have been 1600MSP, then I've paid the same. I also got £9 trade-in on the original at CEX, so in real terms I've paid the equivalent of 480MSP. Getting it for £20-25 from GAME (less the pitiful amount they'd give you for the now-worthless original) would have been asking a little too much and it's good that you've put that as a negative in the review.

    The problem I'm facing now is that I'm about 40% of the way through Dark Souls, and with this being similar I'm facing a case of RPG burnout where I'd rather watch a bad Stallone movie (got 5 on Blu-ray for a tenner this week) than play the game. :(

  9. Apparently, now new achievements at all, which is disappointing. So no complete replay for me, instead it's just a single run of the expansion then it's on to ebay with it.

  10. Har.

    Pre-ordering for £13.62 means if the DLC would have been 1600MSP, then I've paid the same. I also got £9 trade-in on the original at CEX, so in real terms I've paid the equivalent of 480MSP. Getting it for £20-25 from GAME (less the pitiful amount they'd give you for the now-worthless original) would have been asking a little too much and it's good that you've put that as a negative in the review.

    The problem I'm facing now is that I'm about 40% of the way through Dark Souls, and with this being similar I'm facing a case of RPG burnout where I'd rather watch a bad Stallone movie (got 5 on Blu-ray for a tenner this week) than play the game. :(

    I found out I'd get 15 quid trade in from Game when I did it so thought why not, and ordered this. Not bad says I. And I didn't know rambo 5 was out?

  11. broken my disc so will be buying it again and i am really really looking forward to it and more items and content can only be a good thing. I really did enjoy playing this more than i did skyrim it just felt more alive and enjoyable and the monster animations were bloody brilliant!!!

  12. Looking forward to playing this, never got round to buying it when it first came out but with added content and at a discounted price Ill definitely be picking this up.

    So there is no direct co-op option?

  13. Looking forward to playing this, never got round to buying it when it first came out but with added content and at a discounted price Ill definitely be picking this up.

    So there is no direct co-op option?

    No, the game isn't designed for it.

  14. Wish I'd kept my old disc and save now, this sounds quite good!

  15. Where is the isle,i started again and completed 1st playthrough and i can not find it anywhere.