
If you have Max4Live, you can control the udmx directly from within Ableton Live:

Version 1.0:

Multitouch external for MaxMSP

The trackpad on the late MacBooks can track up to 10 or more (!) fingers at once. Fingerpinger is an external object for MaxMSP that we wrote around code from steike.com. It’s an experimental hack… but its fun and its free…

Update: Works with the Magic Trackpad, too!


TrackPadSynth is a simple but fun example of what you can do with fingerpinger. It’s a standalone version, you don’t need MaxMSP to try it out…

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uDMX - MIDI Interface 1.0

“uDMX - MIDI Interface” is a stand alone Application for Mac OS X. It provides a virtual MIDI-Port to communicate with the uDMX USB DMX Interface from any MIDI capable software like Cubase or Logic, as an alternative for using Max/MSP to directly control the uDMX. It can respond either to MIDI note or control change events and scales the MIDI resolution (0-127) to DMX (0-255).

You can download it here: Download “uDMX - MIDI Interface” (.dmg, 6.6 MB)

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uDMX 1.2 released

Probably the smallest USB-DMX Interface in the worldThe uDMX is built around an inexpensive Atmel Atmega8 Microprocessor, using only very few external parts, thanks to the excellent firmware-only USB driver from obdev.at.We managed to cram it all into a Neutrik XLR Connector. [ >>> ]

vMIX 2.0 is here (or almost, anyway…)

Just in time for our appearance at the “Homemade Festival” in Glarus, I finished the first version of my new “virtual video mixing console”. Version 1.0 had just some buttons, 8 rotary encoders and 8 faders. It was getting of age and I didn’t like to perform with it anymore. So, months of work and about 2000 solder points later, a dream comes true…
USB Interface, 35 Potentiometers with 35 Ledrings, 8 Faders, 6 Microprocessors, expandable…
Read on for the photos:
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uDMX - version 0.9 released

We just finished our first prototype of the uDMX - it seems to work…!
This is a preliminary version of the documentation - work in progress..

See the uDMX Homepage for updates
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LiveCut - Multicam for FinalCut Pro

Publication de LiveCut

Live cut est un outil très simple et intuitif pour le montage multi-caméras (jusqu’à 4 caméras).
Le montage peut être effectué en temps réel, comme dans les logiciels de montage live, en changeant simplement entre 4 sources synchronisées.

LiveCut est un logiciel libre (GPL)
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Invention et fabrication de la première videobasse - un instrument pour jouer des images…
“The VideoBass is an unique hardware/software-combination for controlling live-visuals. Shaped like a electric bass-guitar, it relies on the guitar-paradigm where, basically speaking, the left hand chooses between a wide variety of possible notes, and the right hand triggers them.”

La création de cet instrument s’inscrit dans une longue recherche, [ >>> ]

appenzell art avr awards basel basicstamp beautiful leopard belluard berlin bern blog classic concert danse development do-it documentary documentation editing emission ethnology film fribourg geneve hid improvisation india installation interactive i^n kids live making of marseille max/msp medicine midi mobile multimedia music nature paris performance photos poland programming project prévention racisme reportage russia santé schaffhausen science softVNS software streetv synkie theatre tibet trogen tv udmx video videobass visuals workshop zürich
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