Report: Apple Dropped Google Maps with Time to Spare



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There is no Google Maps app planned guys. If the spam filter didn't freaking block me I'd post the link. Google it. It was said yesterday on Forbes.



Google chairman announced it was on its way last night. Should be out by end of year.



That would be nice. I heavily used the traffic feature daily. The one with the new Maps app is useless.



So what's the big problem? I'm glad there is more map options. To be honest I never really cared for google maps to begin with. I've used the new maps app more since the release of iOS 6, in-fact I think I've used more times then google maps since the release of the first iPhone. If people don't like the change then don't upgrade, or do the upgrade, stop whining, and wait for the app to be re developed for its fall release.



Hang in there? Whats the problem? I've had AppleMaps since june, and had no problem with it! In fact i could not live without it, it gets me to places faster then before. love the TomTom integration



How about these: Berlin appearing in Antarctica, Dublin zoo in the middle of temple bar, the town of Pontypridd has been moved 6 miles NW, and dumped on top of where Tonypandy should be, London seems to consist of neighbourhoods from Victorian times. Candlewick and Walbrook in the City for instance, Cities on the wrong side of rivers, Cities in rivers, missing bridges, missing sections of roads. Need I go on?

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