Information about cookies

Information about cookies

This website contains cookies. According to the Swedish law of electronic communication, which came into effect on the 25:th of July 2003, all visitors of cookie enabled websites should be informed that the website contains cookies, how they are used and how to avoid them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files stored on your computer on request from a website. They contain information that the website wants you to present every time you request a page from the same website. In most cases these cookies contain settings that you have made on the website, credentials for logging in etc. Cookies are restricted in size to 4 Kb.

How cookies are used on this website

On ISP:s website cookies are used to keep track of your current session. When you fetch a page from this website your browser sends an ID number that you where given the first time you came to the website. Using this ID the program that creates the pages on this website can store and retrieve settings that you have made during your visit. These settings are mainly authorisation information for logging in. When you register to one of our services or when you log in the system uses your ID to confirm that you are logged in. With the ID we are also able to keep statistics on unique visitors of the website.

Information stored in cookies from our web are not available to other websites. We do not distribute any information on our visitors to other parties and use it solely for our own websites.

How to turn off cookies

There is no way that you can prevent this website from sending cookies. What you can do is to turn off your browser from accepting cookies. Most webbrowsers also allow you to turn off cookies for specific websites. Please read the manual for your software to learn how you can turn off cookies.

What happens if I don't accept cookies?

If your browser does not accept cookies you will not be able to log in to the services on this website that require logging in (publications, product information, etc.). You will still be able to read the information that does not require logging in though.