Welcome to the Best Race Series in America!

Three Series races + Average Speed + National Breeders Championship

Live Online Results for each of the three series races + trainers

Located in the Northwest corner of Orange County, California, and on the long end of the Los Angeles Basin, The AWOL Three Race Series, offers the best location for a One Loft race in Southern California.

For each of the three series races, the race birds will be released within a Federation race of thousands of birds heading to all parts of the San Fernando Valley and Greater Los Angeles / Orange County area. This means that the One Loft race birds will be fairly well broken up before they arrive in the metro areas.

As the Federation release birds come through the mountains they will enter the San Fernando Valley and fan out in several directions. About 1/3rd of the Federation birds will be dropping out, heading towards their Frenando valley home lofts, About 20 miles later, the remaining birds will need to pass through or over the foothills which seperate the Fernando Valley from the Greater LA Basin. The birds may choose any of three passes between the San Fernando Valley and the LA Basin (also called the Greater Valley) or the birds might remain very high in the sky and fly right over this range of foothills.

Once the birds enter the Greater LA Basin, they have about 40 miles of flat terrain, over which to fly before reaching the loft. All along the way, Federation race birds will be spreading out across the basin and heading towards their home lofts, but the AWOL series birds will continue on, as their loft is on the long end of the Federation race course.

It is highly unlikely, that the birds will come in a group. There are just to many geographic variables at play and to many birds breaking off along the way. Birds that are followers will lose minutes to birds that can keep their orientation for home and not be pulled off course by flocks and smaller groups of race birds heading towards the many other clubs within the Federation race. Being on the extreme long end of this maze of choices, birds that home early in the AWOL race series, will need to possess strength, determination and superior orientation skills. Isn't that what we breed for?

The AWOL One Loft Race Series, is the perfect venue to test your birds against the best competition in America today! Isn't that why you send your birds out to races, to test them and to learn about your breeding program, in competitions that clearly define which are the top birds? There is no race or race series in the USA today, that offers a more definitive answer to how well do your birds size up against the competition. One lucky race settles nothing here. This race series will clearly answer, who has the best breeding in America today. That is what you pay for and that is what you will get!

When you look at it that way, the AWOL Race Series, is the best value for your investment. You need answers, this is the competitive venue that gives you those answers.