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   Going for a job interview?
posted on 23 Jun 2009 15:19:16 IST    964 views    0 comments
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First impression is the last impression that is what holds true for an interview. The questions which pop up in ones mind are how do you present yourself to a potential employer? Should you take the logo gifts or logo apparel at a job fair? There are many other questions that people ask themselves when trying to find employment. How do I prepare for the interview? This brief guide will show you how to get the job.

Before you even show up for the interview, you should prepare yourself for the interview. Learn all you can about the company. Otherwise you'll end up looking ignorant or desperate. Putting the effort into learning about the company before you're even part of it lets interviewers know you're serious and willing to work hard to succeed. You should also go over your qualifications for the job, and make sure that you have decided on a specific job or jobs that you would like to be hired to do at whatever company you are applying to. Prepare to answer tough questions. It's a good idea to have a friend practice the interview with you. Make sure you can extrapolate on answers. Go into some detail about an experience that makes you the best and most qualified candidate for the job. Also be ready to answer the difficult broad questions like "Why do you want this job?" and "Why should I hire you?"

Personal appearance is very important when you actually have the interview. Remember this is the first impression you will make on the employer, and it is the first impression that sticks with someone the most. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for whatever job you are applying for. Don't overdress. Make sure you are tidy, and avoid chewing gum or smoking. Make sure you arrive early for the interview, but if you are too early your employer might be put off. Make sure you are polite to everyone you meet in the company, not just the interviewer. Learn the name of whoever is interviewing you and greet them enthusiastically with a firm handshake. You should try to avoid colloquialisms when you speak. During the interview, maintain eye contact with the interviewer, speak clearly, and remain upbeat. Don't ask about job benefits or salary until after you have been offered the job. Body language is important too. Sit up straight, and use of a little but not too much hand motion can let the employer know your interested in the position.

After the interview, be sure to shake hands with the interviewer and thank them. Then make sure you send a brief thank you note. Bringing information with you to the interview is often a very good idea. Bring your official ID, either a driver's license or social security card. Bring a resume to the interview too. Although you may not need to give it directly to the employer or interviewer, it is good to have it for your own personal reference and to show that you are prepared for the interview. Make sure you have a list of at least three references and be sure that they are all going to give you good references.

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Sanchi (5)

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