Our venues

Accessibility and National Museums Liverpool

We are committed to making National Museums Liverpool as accessible as we can. Please tell us if we could do things better. |

Accessibility of this website

We strive to make this website and its content as accessible as possible. About the accessibility of this website. |

Accessibility of our publications

We provide large print versions of our publications, available on request.

We ensure that emails we send out are available as HTML or plain text emails. Sign up to our newsletters. |

Accessibility of our venues

Find out about accessibility of our venues and their facilities, including parking:

Accessible events

We run a number of events with additional features for accessibility, including British Sign Language. Check the 'What's on' section for each of our venues for details. 

Disability equality scheme

Find out about our disability equality scheme.|

Contact us

We welcome your comments about the accessibility of our website, venues and events. Contact us about accessibility.|